JRS Singapore prays for migrants and refugees on annual World Day of Prayer

On 22 September at 8.30pm in Singapore, members of Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) Singapore together with 30 plus invitees spent some time via Zoom to pray and reflect on Pope Francis’ message for the World Day of Migrants and Refugees. Fr Francis Lim SJ gave the short reflection. A Good Shepherd Sister based in New Delhi prayed part of the intercessory prayers.

Annually, the World Day of Migrants and Refugees is celebrated on the last Sunday of September. The theme for this year is “Building the Future with Migrants and Refugees – ‘Here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city that is to come.’ (Heb 13:14)”

Fr Francis reflected on our status as a pilgrim people journeying towards our final homeland. A photo of St Joseph’s Cathedral in Kuching was shared. The design of this building is in the shape of a tent. It was revolutionary when this church was completed in 1969, right after the liturgical change of Vatican II. The altar is in the centre surrounded by the people of God worshipping around it.

St Joseph’s Cathedral in Kuching, Malaysia | Image from todayscatholic.com

The tent is the symbol of the pilgrim people of God moving in our journey of faith. Migrants, refugees and other displaced people bear the reality of moving around in this life which is literally a hard journey towards a better homeland. In the meanwhile affluent Singaporeans experience a spiritual journey towards a heavenly homeland while living in the modern city state. Nonetheless, people living in comfort can accompany migrants and refugees in prayer, and at the same time, create awareness of their situation.

Kirsten who participated wrote after the prayer session, “Heart-warming to see the group make time on a weeknight to pause and pray together for the migrants, refugees, and forcibly displaced persons — they are not alone.”

Aside from this, a video done by a refugee student was also shown. Other than that, a song entitled “We Are Pilgrims on a Journey” with lyrics and music by Richard Gillard was also played for reflection. It is to highlight that all of us, whether itinerants or comfortably placed, are pilgrims in different ways. [JRS Singapore]