Companions in a mission of justice and reconciliation

08 December 2022

Myanmar needs you

Since the coup in February 2021, which returned Myanmar to military rule, more than a million people have fled the country as refugees; hundreds of thousands more have been internally displaced; villages have been burned to the ground; thousands of children have been killed; and many places of worship have been destroyed. The modest gains in poverty reduction made over the past decade have been wiped out.


The people of Myanmar feel they have been forgotten. Please show your support to the people of Myanmar. Jesuits and companions on the ground are doing everything to provide emergency assistance, skills training for livelihood opportunities, and education to the children. But we need your help.

Please consider giving a gift of financial support to the Jesuit mission in Myanmar. The support you provide will go towards providing families with food, shelter, medicines, and learning materials.

Donation details

USD Account
Account Name: Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific
Account Number: 300001300311
Bank Name: Eastwest Bank
Bank Address: Ciannat Complex Marcos Highway Brgy., Mayamot Antipolo City, Philippines
Swift Code: EWBCPHMM

Watch a report given by a Jesuit in Myanmar:


Please lift up Myanmar to the Lord in prayer and help us spread the word. We are so grateful for your prayer and love offerings.

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