The power of love: A Magis reflection

Lo Yi, a delegate to Magis Portugal 2023 from Taiwan, shares her reflection on the Magis event preceding the 37th World Youth Day in Lisbon. Part of the Magis experience is for the pilgrims to undergo a life experiment to help them deepen their understanding of Ignatian Spirituality and discover God in all things.

The Magis experience I was assigned to was Environment and Ecology. Over the course of six days, we were able to understand various environmental issues by watching documentaries, discussing environmental challenges in different countries, and calculating our carbon footprints. We also engaged in activities such as pottery, dancing, painting, origami, picture books, and music, to contemplate the beauty of our Lord’s creation.

Throughout this series of activities, we learned to relate to the process of the Lord’s creation and His mercy. We explored possible solutions and actions through the Theatre of the Oppressed. Ultimately, we found hope through our introspective pilgrim walks, uncovering positivity within our environment and ecology.

The process I underwent can be described in four words: damage, creation, action, and hope.

The experience helped me see the connection between us and the environment, and our relationship with God. While we have allowed harm to befall on our ecology and environment, we can consciously choose to act out of love, which is a means of reconnection. In our relationship with God, there may be moments when we make Him cry. Yet, He repeatedly restores and recreates in love, and He walked among us for our salvation. This is how God perpetually fosters connection in the world.

The Magis experience has helped me realise that love is not solely about the sweetness of happiness. Love can also be disappointing, filled with regrets, and vulnerable. Nonetheless, amidst brokenness, we can still believe in love, strive to pick ourselves up, and make good choices. What a powerful force!

Love is a process that includes pain, loss, courage, adventure, recovery, and perseverance. It is the most touching in all relationships.