Companions in a mission of justice and reconciliation

27 October 2023

We take the side of peace

Photo by Jeff Pioquinto SJ

The Society of Jesus wholeheartedly supports the Pope’s unwavering call for peace. In a recent address to his weekly audience, Pope Francis urged the world to take “only one side” in the Israeli-Palestinian war – the one “of peace”, emphasising that war only begets death, destruction, animosity, and vengeance, ultimately obliterating any hope for the future.

The Jesuits and mission partners have been present at the heart of the conflict in Israel-Palestine and throughout the Middle East. We have been deeply engaged in dialogue with both the Jewish and Muslim communities. General Congregation 36 recognised the Jesuits and their courageous co-workers who serve at the frontiers of war and violence. They risk their lives to humbly pursue what sometimes seems impossible, namely the peace and reconciliation longed for by Jesus Christ.

In a statement released on 26 October, the global Society of Jesus reiterated the Jesuits’ commitment to eradicating prejudiced views towards Jews, denouncing anti-Judaism and anti-Semitism, while affirming the rights of Jews in Israel and across the globe. The atrocities suffered by Jews in history must never be repeated.

Likewise, the Jesuits are fully committed to the establishment of diverse, multi-religious societies in Palestine and throughout the Middle East. Palestinians have the right to live everywhere in their homeland in dignity and peace, free from violence, forced expulsion, and collective punishment.

The Society of Jesus calls for an end to the bloodshed and the ideologies that perpetuate it. The manipulation of religion for political gain must cease. Decades of violent conflict have brought nothing but ruin to the entire region and the escalation of hatred. The only true victory lies in the pursuit of justice, peace, equality, and reconciliation.

Today, in this time of engulfing darkness and death, we embrace the invitation to take the side of peace.

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