On 26 January 2022, Kanisius Publishing and Printing (PT Kanisius), a Jesuit apostolate of the Indonesian Province, commemorated a century of dedicated work. Reflecting on Kanisius’ centenary brought us greater awareness and appreciation of the graces and milestones achieved over the years. This awareness extended to the board of directors, officers, and all employees. We recognised that being part of Kanisius is a special vocation from God.
Sustaining this awareness of our vocation, especially among Kanisius personnel, including the lay employees–from directors to operational staff–requires continued support. We need guidance in integrating the identity of the Society of Jesus into the mission of the organisation and in fulfilling our roles as collaborators in the Missio Dei.
The essence of PT Kanisius is deeply rooted in Ignatian spirituality, embodying a readiness to go to the frontier. As Kanisius continues its journey beyond a century, we are challenged to discern the frontier God is calling us to, where He can be most glorified. PT Kanisius must learn to contextualise its vision and mission to remain relevant amid rapidly changing times.
The year 2021, which marked a post-pandemic period, became an opportunity for extensive reflection on the significance of PT Kanisius in the context of the church, the Indonesian nation, and the world. The reflection process, carried out at both staff and management levels, involved three rounds of spiritual conversations, which began in February 2021. Following the JCAP Mission Examen module, the long process of reflection culminated in a new articulation of PT Kanisius’ vision, mission, and values, which integrates the Universal Apostolic Preferences into organisational governance to foster a shared organisational culture among all the employees.
Integral to the sustainability of PT Kanisius is the development of its personnel as lay friends of Ignatius. This entails continuous deepening in Ignatian spirituality, emphasizing that the enduring existence of PT Kanisius is not guaranteed by a reliable business model and management competence alone, but by people who are spiritually committed. As lay collaborators, we need to prepare for this new era in the church, characterised by a spirit of openness and sincere collaboration with fellow lay people, the Jesuits and other religious, and the clergy.

Based on Ignatian spirituality, the formation process of the staff and officers of Kanisius is structured into two parts: the induction programme aimed at new employees as an introduction to their work, including their roles and responsibilities, the organisational structure, and the Ignatian identity of the organisation; and the integration programme meant for all permanent employees to align their personal aspirations with the organisation’s vision, mission, and values for more meaningful cooperation.
The integration programme includes several activities. One of them is the morning prayer, in which employees take turns leading in the reading of Scripture, the story of St Ignatius, or the story of Kanisius. There is the First Friday sharing, during which all employees have the opportunity to share their spiritual experiences relevant to the company’s values. Sharing usually lasts for one round. However, there are certain times when sharing is carried out in three rounds. We also celebrate employee Masses at the beginning of each year, on Ash Wednesday, and on Easter. The Masses are held not only as thanksgiving to God but also to encourage employees to recognise their professional work as a spiritual offering.
Furthermore, officers receive ongoing formation to develop their personal values and help them achieve team cohesion. These formation programmes are conducted in groups and stages, involving regular meetings for different levels of leadership, ie, four times a year for manager-directors, three times a year for department heads, and twice a year for unit heads.
The spiritual guidance offered in these ongoing formation programmes is built around the Spiritual Exercises (examen, reflection, spiritual conversations, discernment of spirits, discernment in common, etc). The Jesuits are always involved in accompanying the officers through the Spiritual Exercises. At the end of the session, the Jesuit who accompanied the group shares his observations with the Board of Directors as part of Kanisius’ effort to ensure cura personalis for all its members. On top of these formation programmes, directors and managers who are being prepared for higher leadership roles undergo a study of Ignatian spirituality guided by a competent spiritual guide.
Aligned with its vision, PT Kanisius actively seeks to inspire, mobilise positive actions, and initiate changes that are beneficial to the nation. At 101 years old, PT Kanisius has been reborn in spirit. Infused with new energy, PT Kanisius wants to expand collaboration, network with like-minded partners, and work collectively for a better society.
Youth in the context of PT Kanisius is not about branding or following trends; it signifies a willingness to work hard, deal with uncertainties, take risks, and have a strong will for a better future. It is about gaining wisdom and having a rich perspective on reality.
Mg Sulistyorini
Executive Director of PT Kanisius