Jesuit Tertianship Immersion Programme: Seeking interreligious dialogue and ecological renewal

Eight Tertians from the Philippines, Indonesia, Slovakia, Malaysia, and Thailand embarked on a week-long immersion programme designed to foster interfaith dialogue and ecological awareness. Held from 23 to 30 April at Pondok Pesantren Ath Thariq, an Islamic boarding house in Garut, West Java, Indonesia, the programme provided a platform for the Jesuits to deepen their understanding of Islam and explore ways to collaboratively address environmental challenges.

Its theme, “Dialogue, understanding, and the widespread promotion of a culture of tolerance, acceptance of others, and living together peacefully,” resonated with the spirit of Human Fraternity, a document co-signed by Pope Francis and Grand Imam Ahmed el-Tayeb. This spirit was evident in the daily interactions between the Jesuits and their Muslim hosts as they engaged in shared meals, prayers, and light work.

Their daily schedule encompassed mornings dedicated to communal tasks and afternoons reserved for reflection and prayer. The daily light work served a dual purpose. Activities like collecting plastic waste and transforming it into ecobricks, making broomsticks, and tending to urban farming zones, not only built a sense of community but also contributed to tangible ecological impacts. This focus on environmental stewardship aligned with the programme’s aim to expand on the principles of St Ignatius of Loyola’s Spiritual Exercises, particularly the First Principle and Foundation which emphasises humanity’s interconnectedness with nature and God.

The Tertians also had opportunities for cultural immersion, with relaxed walking tours outside the Islamic boarding house. These excursions offered them a deeper appreciation for Garut’s unique culture and natural beauty.

Following their immersion, the Tertians are tasked with reflecting on their experiences through the lens of Ignatian Spirituality. Their reflection, focusing on the De Statu Societatis’ invitation to collaborate in the reconciliation of all things in Christ, is meant to strengthen their commitment to justice, interreligious dialogue, and ecological stewardship as they return to their respective ministries.

Know more about Pondok Pesantren Ath Thariq, the Islamic boarding school, in this video from Creators of Hope.