It is true that loyalty knows no bounds, and a journey undertaken faithfully, no matter how long or difficult, unfolds without monotony or weariness. This narrative depicts Kanisius’ century-long journey in printing and publishing—a pilgrimage marked by the love and loyalty of many people from generation to generation.
On 26 January 2022, Kanisius Publishing and Printing celebrated its centenary, tracing its origins to Fr J Hoeberechts SJ, as part of the mission work in Java to print books for Catholic worship and textbooks for native schools. At that time, Fr Hoeberechts asked the FIC congregation leaders to run the mission. Starting in a small iron warehouse in Yogyakarta, Kanisius evolved into a distinctive partnership between the Jesuits, FIC brothers, and lay people.
In 1947, at the 50th anniversary of Kanisius Printing and Publishing, Monsignor A Soegijapranata SJ, the first indigenous archbishop of Semarang, expressed his appreciation for the contributions of lay people. He was amazed by the excellent collaboration between the priests/brothers/scholastics and the lay employees.
Kanisius played a crucial role in the “Indonesianization” process, publishing books in the Indonesian language for schools and printing the country’s first legal currency, Oeang Repoeblik Indonesia (ORI). Through the years, Kanisius evolved into PT Kanisius, embracing modern management while staying rooted in Catholic (Ignatian) spirituality.
The stars and crew of “Cinta dalam Seutas Tali Sepatu” during the launching of the web series
The centennial celebration in January 2022 showcased diverse activities aligned with the Society of Jesus’ Universal Apostolic Preferences (UAP), centred on the theme, “Colouring Indonesia with Aspirations and Good Works”. It highlighted Kanisius’ contribution to the church and the Indonesian nation these last 100 years.

The Spirit of UAP colours one century of Kanisius
The UAP’s first focus, Showing the Way to God, involved providing opportunities for employees to experience the Spiritual Exercises and connecting their personal vocation with the organisation’s vocation. To this end, Kanisius has an intensive formation programme to help employees relate the Spiritual Exercises to their work experiences.
The second focus, Walking with the Youth, included webinars organised by the young employees intended for young audiences. In one of them, a young woman shared her conversion story after encountering Ignatian spirituality. Another webinar talked about how diversity can propel the country to greater heights, as part of Kanisus’ effort to support nation-building and encourage national discourse among young Indonesians.
Encouraged by its management board, Kanisius produced a web series, “Cinta dalam Seutas Tali Sepatu” (Love in a Shoelace), under the auspices of Jesuit filmmaker Fr Murti Hadi Wijayanto SJ, in collaboration with Sanata Dharma University. The series tells the love story of an idealistic young female editor who works at an old publishing and printing company. It received thousands of likes on YouTube.
The UAP’s third focus, Walk with the Marginalised, saw collaborations with Soegijapranata Foundation, a Jesuit non-profit that provides learning assistance to students in Pingit, a village located in the city centre of Yogyakarta, and books for libraries at orphanages.
The fourth focus, Caring for the Earth, Our Common Home, was carried out in collaboration with Tani Garden Agricultural Course (KPTT), which is managed by the Jesuits. Kanisius provided free seeds to customers at their bookstore to promote tree conservation.

Gratitude for God’s grace
The peak of the celebration of Kanisius’ 100 years included a Eucharist celebrated by Msgr Robertus Rubiyatmoko, Archbishop of Semarang Archdiocese, and six concelebrant priests, including Indonesian Provincial Fr Benny Hari Juliawan SJ, and an anniversary feast attended by Governor Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X.
In his speech, Msgr Rubiyatmoko conveyed his deep pride in PT Kanisius, situated within the Archdiocese of Semarang, acknowledging its pivotal role in the birth and development of the Church in the Archdiocese. Meanwhile, Fr Juliawan congratulated all employees for sustaining Kanisius’ enduring presence. He underscored the organisation’s distinctiveness as a company with a vision and mission that diverge from a profit-centric approach, emphasising its dedication to serving both the church and the nation. Maintaining this apostolic spirit across generations is an arduous yet essential task.
In his written address, Governor Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X emphasised that reaching a century marked an opportune moment for the company to step back, reflect, contemplate, evaluate its existence, and be mindful of the invaluable experiences gained throughout its long journey (historia magistra vitae est). The governor acknowledged Kanisius for its significant role in the country’s independence, notably by printing Indonesia’s inaugural currency during the early days of nationhood. He commended Kanisius for its ongoing commitment to colour Indonesia through aspirations and good works, manifested in the production and distribution of high-quality books all across the nation and beyond.
The Indonesian Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, Nadiem Makarim, in a recorded speech, echoed his appreciation for Kanisius’ unwavering dedication to contributing to the Indonesian nation. He especially lauded the company’s role in fostering innovation among the younger generation through the publication of books and literacy initiatives.
In expressing his aspirations, Fr E Azismardopo Subroto SJ, Director of PT Kanisius, expressed hope for Kanisius to enhance its capability in responding to epochal demands by continually exploring breakthroughs and upholding the spirit of creative fidelity. As a symbolic representation of Kanisius’ significance for the Indonesian church and nation, he presented both the governor and the bishop with a book titled “Creative Fidelity: Reflection on a Century Journey of Kanisius”.

A new birth at the turn of a century
Embracing the age of 102 in 2024, Kanisius reflects on the uniqueness and challenges of rejuvenation at a century-old milestone. This moment not only signifies a wealth of experiences accumulated over a long journey, but also opens doors to new opportunities. Kanisius recognises that the essence of a journey lies not in the possessions amassed but in the intrinsic value they embody. It is not about having, but being. In this spirit, Kanisius looks forward to the coming years with hope that its aspirations and good works will persist in colouring both the Indonesian church and the nation.
Mg Sulistyorini and Paulus Widiantoro
This article was first published in The Jesuits Asia Pacific 2024 magazine.