Timor-Leste welcomes first Jesuit priest from Ermera

The Society of Jesus in Timor-Leste celebrated the ordination of Deacon Nelinho Maria Jose Alves SJ to the priesthood on 8 June, the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The ceremony, held in Railaco, was led by the Bishop of Baucau Diocese, Msgr Leandro Maria Alves, and the Holy See’s representative, Msgr Marco Sprizzi. Jesuits, clergy, and other religious members, as well as family, friends, and relatives of the newly ordained, gathered to witness the celebration.

Fr Alves, a native of Hatu-mei in Ermera Municipality and the first Jesuit ordained from there, comes from a simple family of six siblings. His journey with the Society of Jesus began in 2009 with pre-novitiate formation. He entered the novitiate the following year at Lahane in Dili. He made his First Vows in 2012 in the parish of Balide, and later that year, along with other companions, he went to Yogyakarta for Juniorate formation.

In 2013, he was sent to India to study plant biology and biotechnology at Loyola College, obtaining a Bachelor of Science degree. From 2016 to 2018, he pursued a Master’s degree in philosophy at Loyola College in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, before returning to Timor-Leste to complete his magisterium programme (work experience) at Instituto São João de Brito and Casa Gonzaga Jesuit Candidacy.

His theology studies took him to Brazil, where he studied at the Jesuit Faculty of Philosophy and Theology (FAJE) in Belo Horizonte. He was ordained a deacon on 2 December last year at a vigil Mass for the Feast of St Francis Xavier. The ceremony took place at the Chapel of Our Lady of Penha in the parish of Most Holy Trinity, presided over by Dom Júlio César Gomes Moreira DD, auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Belo Horizonte.

In his homily for the priesthood ordination, Bishop Alves encouraged the congregation to learn from Mary’s unwavering belief in God’s plan. He said, “Mary is always calm, obedient, and faithful to the Lord. Similarly, in this new journey, Fr Nelinho should offer everything to the Lord and be faithful to His plan.”

Fr Alves expressed heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has supported him on his journey with the Society of Jesus and continues to support him. He believes that without the guidance of the Holy Trinity and the support of others, he would not have reached this stage. “Like a field worker who, after clearing the weeds and planting the seeds, entrusts the transformation process to the Lord’s care when resting at night, I too entrust my new journey to His watchful care, as my motto says, ‘God will provide’ (Gen 22:14),” he said.

Fr Erik John Gerilla SJ, the superior of Jesuits in Timor-Leste, joyfully welcomed Fr Alves to the priesthood within the broader Church and the Society of Jesus. On behalf of the Jesuits, he expressed gratitude to all who have supported the formation process and the ordination of the new priest. He also announced Fr Alves’ new role as the director of Casa Gonzaga Jesuit Candidacy and requested his assistance in the other missions of the Society. [Jesuits in Timor-Leste]