A transformative Arrupe Month experience

The four Jesuit scholastics in the Chinese Province undertaking their theological studies participated in the month-long Arrupe Month. This intensive programme marks one of the most important stages of formation for deepening the scholastics’ Jesuit identity and priestly vocation within the Church and the Society of Jesus. The group comprised two Vietnamese scholastics, Joseph Nguyen Van Thu and Mark Nguyen Dinh, and two from the Kohima Region (India), Avi Abraham Krocha and Poujaigai John Pamei. Fr Paulini SJ, the province’s Coordinator for Formation, made in-depth preparation and gave careful guidance to help the scholastics discern their final commitment to ordination.

The programme took place from 15 July to 15 August across two locations. The first phase was held at the Manresa Center of Spirituality in Changhua, Taiwan, and the second phase at Wah Yan College in Kowloon, Hong Kong. Fr Paulini guided the scholastics through various sessions led by a group of speakers and special invitees, including Cardinal Stephen Chow of the Hong Kong Archdiocese, priests, lay collaborators, and religious sisters engaged in pastoral ministries. These sessions helped the scholastics reflect deeply on their future ministry as priests.

Each day began with talks and discussions, followed by personal time for reflection and readings in the afternoon. The scholastics spent an hour in Eucharistic adoration, bringing their daily experiences before the presence of God and pondering them in His love. The programme concluded with an eight-day retreat at the St Francis Xavier Spirituality Centre in Cheung Chau, Hong Kong.

Below are brief reflections shared by each scholastic:

Scholastic Nguyen Joseph Van Thu SJ
I felt a deep sense of gratitude for the experience. God’s mercy and care for me are beyond measure. He invites me to “Go and do likewise” (Luke 10:37). My heart is filled with gratitude to God, as I recognise the support and care of many people. These experiences have naturally transformed and sanctified my soul.

Scholastic Mark Nguyen Dinh SJ
I would liken my Arrupe Month experience to “floating in the sea”. I felt a deep and profound satisfaction in the presence of God, especially, through the love of my family, the Jesuits, and friends, as I immersed myself in the love of God. The process of meeting and getting to know people has had an effect on my daily life. Now, I strongly desire to dedicate my life to God, who gave everything for me.

Scholastic Avi Abraham Krocha SJ
Arrupe Month was a profound moment of encountering God, and sharing the joy of companionship among us. I felt grateful for the gift of this vocation. I was reminded of the faithful and the hopes and needs of the Church as I went through this course. I am so grateful to the Jesuits, lay collaborators, and religious sisters who enthusiastically shared their valuable experiences with us. Their stories of joys and struggles and their dedication will serve as guidance for us.

Reading Fr Michael J Buckley SJ’s letter, “Am I weak enough to be a priest?” helped me view life from different perspectives and challenged me to dive deeper into my relationship with God and people. The eight-day retreat further deepened by experience of the love of God. Overall, Arrupe Month left a deep impression on me. I am inspired by how the priestly vocation is a life with “vertical and horizontal dimensions”. In other words, to participate in God’s mission, one needs to be both a man of prayer and a man for God.

Scholastic John Pamei SJ
Arrupe Month was a moment of grace and learning that helped me once again strengthen my vocation. I felt God’s affirmation continually that the choice and decision I have made are my deepest desires. I am convinced that God’s GPS has guided me to where I am today and who I am now. I can’t deny the happiness and joy I have experienced on this path as a Jesuit and the countless miracles like the “five loaves and two fishes” in my life. I also experienced a deep sense of companionship with my fellow Jesuit brothers, a strong sense of belonging in the Society of Jesus, and a connection with God and people. During the eight-day retreat, my encounter with God affirmed that I am accepted, loved, valued, and honoured. I resonate with the verse from Isaiah, “I have engraved you on the palm of my hand” (Is 49:16). [Chinese Province]