Companions in a mission of justice and reconciliation

21 September 2024

Australian Jesuits ordained deacons in Boston

Categories: Formation, Province News

Newly ordained Deacons Joshua Choong SJ and Isaac Demase SJ | Photo courtesy of Scholastic Julian Butler SJ

Australian Jesuits, Joshua Yew Khean Choong SJ and Isaac Anthony Demase SJ were ordained deacons on 14 September at Saint Ignatius of Loyola Parish, Chestnut Hill in Boston, Massachusetts in the United States, where they are studying theology.

Photo by Frank Curran

They were ordained along with six other Jesuit companions: Dominic Heesang Chai SJ, Kieran Daniel Halloran SJ, Douglas Andrew Jones SJ, William Christopher Manaker SJ, Jeongsu Nam SJ, and Thomas Patrick O’Donnell IV SJ.

L-R: Scholastic Julian Butler SJ, Fr Brett O’Neill SJ, Dcn Joshua Choong SJ, Dcn Isaac Demase SJ, Br Ian Cribb SJ, Fr Robert Davoren SJ, and Scholastic Matthew Pinson SJ | Photo by Frank Curran

Joshua and Isaac were accompanied by other Australian Jesuits, Fr Robert Davoren SJ, Br Ian Cribb SJ, Fr Brett O’Neill SJ, Matthew Pinson SJ, and Julian Butler SJ, who attended the Ordination Mass.

Joshua and Isaac will serve as transitional deacons and continue in formation for priesthood. [Jesuits Australia]

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