Companions in a mission of justice and reconciliation

07 December 2024

Seven Jesuits ordained priests on the Feast of St Francis Xavier in Vietnam

Categories: Formation, Province News

On 3 December, the Society of Jesus in Vietnam celebrated the ordination of seven new priests at Hiển Linh Parish in Thủ Đức City. Bishop Joseph Đỗ Quang Khang of the Diocese of Bắc Ninh presided over the liturgy with several priests concelebrating, including Bishop Cosmas Hoàng Văn Đạt SJ, Bishop emeritus of the Diocese of Bắc Ninh, Vietnamese Provincial Fr Joseph Phạm Tuấn Nghĩa SJ, Jesuits, and other priests. Nearly 1,500 faithful attended the ceremony.

The newly ordained priests are:

Fr Joseph Bùi Huy Đạt SJ
Fr Vincent Phạm Văn Đoàn SJ
Fr Joseph Trần Ngọc Huynh SJ
Fr Mathew Huỳnh Minh Thiện SJ
Fr Thomas Thiện Nguyễn Đăng Trung SJ
Fr Joseph Vũ Thành Trung SJ
Fr Joseph Lê Vĩnh Tự SJ

In his homily, Bishop Khang reflected on the identity of a disciple, drawing inspiration from St Francis Xavier, who tirelessly set out to proclaim the Gospel of Christ. He invited the newly ordained, as well as the entire congregation, to live faithfully according to their identity as disciples, following the example of St Francis.

Echoing Jesus’ command to his disciples before his Ascension to “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations” (Mt 28:19), Bishop Khang urged the ordinands to emulate St Francis Xavier by fully embracing their identity as “priests on the way”. He exhorted them to always be open and committed to their mission. The bishop also stressed that this mission is entrusted to all Christians, each of whom is personally called to proclaim and bear witness to Christ.

At the end of the Mass, Fr Nghĩa SJ, speaking on behalf of the newly ordained priests and the Jesuits, offered thanksgiving to God. He also expressed deep gratitude to the bishops, priests, parents of the newly ordained, benefactors, relatives, and all attendees for their love and collaboration in organising the celebration. [Vietnamese Jesuits]

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