Be generous: Diaconate ordination in Indonesia

Jakobus Aditya Christie Manggala SJ from Babadan Parish, Yogyakarta, was ordained a deacon alongside 10 other men from various dioceses and congregations in Indonesia at the Chapel of St Paul’s Major Seminary in Kentungan on 28 January.

Archbishop Robertus Rubiyatmoko of the Diocese of Semarang presided over the liturgical celebration, accompanied by Fr Alexius Dwi Ariyanto, Rector of St Paul Major Seminary, and Fr Barnabas Kara OCD, Superior of the OCD Theologate House of St Theresia Lisieux in Yogyakarta.

The ordination theme was drawn from Luke 6:36, “Be merciful.” In his homily, Bishop Rubiyatmoko emphasised how God the Father’s generosity is revealed through Jesus’ ministry and urged the ordinands to live out their calling with the same generosity. He outlined three qualities of a generous person: sincerity, seriousness, and totality. The Archbishop explained that deacons must serve sincerely and selflessly, prioritising the needs of others above their own. They must do so with complete seriousness, preparedness, determination, and intention to dedicate their service to God. Above all, deacons must serve wholeheartedly, following Jesus’ example of sacrifice for his love of us.

The newly ordained deacons will continue their current missions. Deacon Adit is pursuing his master’s degree and licentiate in theology at the Wedabhakti Faculty of Theology at Sanata Dharma University. After the Eucharistic celebration, he joined family and guests for lunch at Kolsani.

We pray for the newly ordained deacons, that they may live out their calling fully and find joy in their service to the Church. [Indonesian Province Communications Team]