JRS Asia Pacific kicks off tertiary education project for refugees

posted in: Education, Migration, Social Justice | 0

Refugees and asylum seekers now have the opportunity to get a degree in European universities in 2012 with the launch of applications to the AREAS scholarship on November 1.

The Academic Relations between Asia and Europe (AREAS) is a mobility and scholarship project financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus Mundus Action 2 – Strand 1 programme.

“AREAS want to ensure that vulnerable populations under Target 3 category are well-served,” said Project Coordinator Bianca Buttiglione.

JRS joined AREAS partnership as an associate member to assist in promoting and recruiting students from Target 3 category defined as “having a refugee status or asylum, belonging to an indigenous population or IDPs” and those who in vulnerable situations for political, economic reasons or physical disabilities.   Nationals from Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, The Philippines and Vietnam are eligible to apply.

“This is a tremendous opportunity for our refugee friends who often experience doors closed on them. JRS is committed to this project, support the applicants and we hope that those who are accepted will work hard and gain greater freedom and capacity to better their lives,” said Fr Bernard Arputhasamy SJ, JRS Regional Director.

Application details can be found in www.areas.polito.it

For more information on the project, contact louie@jrs.or.th and youjin@jrs.or.th.

Photo: Consortium partners at the kick-off meeting in Hanoi, Vietnam.