Puskat film on Msgr Soegija a hit

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People in Indonesia have been flocking to cinemas across the country to see SOEGIJA, the film based on the life of Monsignor  Albertus Magnus Soegijapranata SJ, the first local Catholic bishop in Indonesia.   The film is produced by Jesuit work, Studio Audio Visual (SAV) Puskat.

Msgr Soegijapranata trained as a child under the Dutch Jesuit missionaries in Muntilan Central Java from 1909 to 1919.  He embraced Catholicism in 1910 and joined the Society in 1920.  Twenty years later, he became the first native Indonesian to be appointed bishop.  A Presidential Decree declared him as a national hero three days after his death.

Msgr Soegijapranata was well-known among the faithful for saying “100% Catholic, 100% Indonesian”. 

The 115-minute motion picture, which premiered on June 7, stars Nirwan Dewanto as Soegija along with Annisa Hertami, Wouter Braaf, Olga Lydia and Butet Kartaredjasa.  It is showing in around 100 cinemas across the country, and more than 300,000 people watched it in the first two weeks.  

Reviews have been very good.   

Yogyakarta Governor Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X commended the film, saying that Soegija was “a true leader” who incorporated both integrity and humanity in his style of leadership, Antara reported.

Vice President Boediono was also very impressed.  He is quoted in news reports saying, “I give two thumbs up to this movie” after watching the film on June 19.

The Jakarta Post review of the film said that ‘The movie’s strength is the forceful presentation of each individual’s humanity and how they all share similar suffering despite their differences, both in nationality and race. It’s interesting to observe (director) Garin’s ability to stage many characters, building different personal stories in one frame.”

soegija sceneShot against the background of Dutch colonialism and Japanese Occupation in the 1940s, the film also touches on the lives of other characters, who are entwined with each other, especially during the preparation of the instalment of Soegija as Archbishop of Semarang.

It was directed by Garin Nugroho, who has been behind award-winning films like Opera Jawa (Requiem from Java) and Daun di Atas Bantal (Leaf on a Pillow). Garin, who is Muslim, explained that he wanted a communicative film that could speak to the community.

SOEGIJA tries to open up problems that have not yet been unveiled or firmly addressed by our leaders,” Garin said at the preview of the film.  “Multiple cultures will become our problem and this figure delivers a message that is very relevant to our present situation.”

Three Jesuits were in the creative team – Fr Y Iswarahadi SJ, Fr Murti Hadi Wijayanto SJ, and Fr Budi Subanar SJ. 

“We produced SOEGIJA to serve as a reference and reflection about nationality, humanity and faith for the people of Indonesia,” said Fr Iswarahadi SJ, director of SAV Puskat (Puskat Pictures), who was also the film’s executive director.

“For nationality, we want to learn Msgr Soegijapranata’s spirit in fighting for welfare, peace, unity and the independence of Indonesia.  For humanity, we want to learn his spirit in making an effort to raise welfare and dignity of those who are suffering.  For faith, we want to learn how to comprehend our faith fully in our lives and as a nation, and realise it in our attitude, to consider the needs of ourselves, not just the interests of our family and friends.”

“The support we received from Catholics all over Indonesia was overwhelming.   Many Catholics were with us in prayer and many people donated to the project.”

This is the first production SAV Puskat has made for the big screen.  The film had a cast of 2,775 actors and cost close to US$1.5 million to produce.

SAV Puskat is known for supporting community development rooted in traditional values through activities such as training and film production.  This film goes a step further by proclaiming multiculturalism, tolerance and peace throughout the archipelago.  It manifests what the Luke Gospel (5:2-6) suggests, Duc in Altum (“Put out into the deep”).

Watch the trailer. 

To read the review in The Jakarta Post, click here. 

To find out more about Soegija the movie, visit www.soegijathemovie.com.

To learn more about SAV Puskat, visit www.savpuskat.or.id.