Living on borrowed prosperity

Asia Pacific has been dubbed the world’s engine of growth, but at what and whose cost?

China has been hailed by the world as an economic success story. Three decades of uninterrupted growth has lifted more than 600 million people out of poverty, and although there are still roughly 150 million people living in poverty in the country, China’s economic success is the envy of the developing world.

Registration opens for the JCAP conference on sustainability

The Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific is inviting Jesuits, collaborators and friends to participate in a conference on sustainability.  Entitled A Call to Dialogue on the Sustainability of Life in the ASEAN Context, the meeting will be held in Sanata Dharma University in Yogyakarta from August 8 to 10, 2016.

Little big things in Chuuk: Earth Week in February

There are things happening in small and distant places around the world that speak out for a more sustainable world.  They go unheard in a globalised world, but does that mean they failed?  Like the “ooze of oil”*, activities of the youth are slowly and imperceptibly drawing people and nature together.

The empty tomb – the hiddenness of God

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“If I do not see him, I will not believe, said Thomas.” (John 20,25).  Well said, Thomas.  Seeing is believing.  We can identify with Thomas.

Yet how is it that on entering an empty tomb, Peter and the disciple with him, the one Jesus loved, saw and believed?  How can a tomb that is empty be a cause of belief? Can the absence of Jesus be a source of energy, joy and love?

Dialogue with Buddhists on ecology and faith

Jesuits and Buddhist monks and nuns came together in early March to share and dialogue on ecology and religions in a workshop organised by the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific.

Organised locally by Fr Lawrence Soosai SJ of the Patna Jesuit Province, the three-day workshop was held in India, in the city of Bodhgaya where the Buddha is believed to have attained enlightenment, and which is one of the holiest of Buddhist cities.

Exposed or immersed?

Fr Claudiu Jani Miklós SJ from the Independent Region of Romania was one of six tertians in the recently concluded 2015 to 2016 Asia Pacific Tertianship in the Philippines. Before tertianship, Fr Miklós was Spiritual Director of the Diocesan Roman Catholic High School Hám János of Satu Mare for four years. He shares with us a reflection on his tertianship experience.