The state of the Society

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Representatives from each Jesuit Province converged on Nairobi, Kenya, for the Congregation of Procurators that was held from July 9 to 15, 2012.

The Congregation of Procurators is called into session by Father General every four years after the end of a General Congregation.   The 84 Procurators present were elected by their Provinces and 13 others participated ex officio. There were 7 Procurators from Africa, 14 from Latin America, 18 from South Asia, 7 from Asia Pacific, 29 from South, Central- Eastern and Western Europe, 9 from the United States.  

Where the Church can serve in Myanmar

Myanmar is at a crossroads; an exciting point in its history as a nation. One of the poorest, most ethnically diverse and conflict-prone societies in Southeast Asia, Myanmar is now emerging from decades of isolation. Changes are afoot, as the release, election to parliament and recent travel abroad of Aung San Suu Kyi demonstrate.  A parliament is in place; interim elections passed without major offences. Many political prisoners have been released.  The demands to halt construction of the Irrawaddy Dam project appear to have been heeded. 

Myanmar scholastics in Indonesia

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Since 2009, Myanmar scholastics have been sent to Indonesia for their formation.  The first group of Myanmarese scholastics arrived in the country in May 2009.   The six – Cyril Nay Myo Htet, Lawrence Khu, Joseph Zaw Goan, Paul Tu Ja, Marcus Min Htun, Pius Than Naing Lin – are in the Philosophy stage of formation, in the third year of a four-year Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy course at the Driyarkara Higher School of Philosophy in Jakarta.

Breathing space: Why I need to pray

posted in: Spirituality | 0

With this article, we begin a series of reflections by Jesuit formands based on the various aspects of “A Profile of a Formed Jesuit for Asia Pacific”, a detailed document on formation for Jesuits for Asia Pacific, which was released by the Conference in November 2011.  The document details six interrelated dynamics – interiority, psychosexual and affective integration, conversation, critical thinking, universal perspective and discerned action – that the Jesuit in formation fi

The value of Jesuit education

posted in: Education | 0

Scholastic Sidelizio Pereira SJ shares with us a reflection on his regency spent in his home country of Timor Leste.   Side did his regency in the Colégio de Saõ José, the secondary school set up and managed by the Jesuits for the diocese of Dili for 18 years. Although the school was transferred back to the diocese in December 2011, Side’s reflection on what is unique about Jesuit education is significant for Timor Leste as the Society intends to build an educational institution in the country for secondary level as well as the training of teachers.

Narratives of a picture

posted in: International Works | 0

Much more than words, a picture can tell the stories of dozens of people with their own unique cultural and historical identities, and even the call to follow Christ radically, especially if the picture is the community photograph of Arrupe International Residence 2011-2012.

Fr General on refugees, communications and social justice

While he was in Australia in January, Fr General Adolfo Nicolás SJ responded to questions on vital areas for the Society in the country, including refugees, communications and social justice.


How can we advance and expand the educational work that is being done to foster peace-building and reconciliation in post-conflict settings?  

Fr General’s response.

Japan a year after the earthquake

posted in: Social Justice | 0

Prayers and memorial services were held across Japan on March 11 as the country marked the first anniversary of the deadly earthquake and tsunami that struck its north-eastern coast. 

Much of Japan came to a standstill as the minute of silence was observed at the moment the quake hit, 14:46 local time.

In Sendai, where much of the devastation was concentrated, a Mass of memorial was held at the city’s Motoderkoji Cathedral.

A call for environmental protection and good governance

The Archbishop of Cagayan de Oro in northern Mindanao, Philippines, Antonio J Ledesma SJ, has called for environmental protection and good governance to be part of the post disaster response in Mindanao.  He did so in his homily at the opening of a forum for Bishops and Diocesan Clergy of Mindanao on the challenges of Tropical Storm Washi for Mindanao in February.