Online support after losing someone to suicide

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Jesuit Social Services in Australia has created an online support service for people who have lost a loved one through suicide.  Launched on September 13, in conjunction with World Suicide Prevention Day, the Support After Suicide Online Community provides people who are bereaved by suicide the opportunity to meet in a confidential and safe environment.  The online community is a space for them to share stories, ask advice and provide support for each other in coping with their loss.

Healing our broken relationship with creation

Father General Fr Adolfo Nicolás SJ has called on all Jesuits to restore and heal humanity’s broken relationship with creation with the same urgency as we are called to serve a faith that does justice.

In a letter to the whole Society on September 16, Father General encouraged the Society to make a commitment to the sustainability of our planet and invited Jesuits to review personal, communal and institutional lifestyles and practices in accordance with this mission of reconciliation with creation.  

Praying with Refugees from Somalia

posted in: Migration, Social Justice | 0

On October 5, 2011, Pope Benedict XVI launched an appeal to the international community to help people suffering famine in the Horn of Africa. 

During his general audience that morning, the Holy Father said, “I renew my heartfelt appeal to the international community to continue its commitment to these people. At the same time I invite everyone to offer prayers and concrete support to so many sorely tried brothers and sisters, particularly to the children of the region who are dying every day because of the lack of water and food”.