New Superior for Japan

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Father General has named  Fr Yoshio Kajiyama new Provincial of the Province of Japan. Fr Yoshio was born in 1955, and entered the Society of Jesus in 1980 and ordained a priest in 1990. He currently serves as Superior of the Kojimachi Residence in Tokyo and as Socius to the Provincial.

EATEP 2011

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John Shea, S.J. is scheduling the East Asian Theological Encounter Program for 2011 – August 1-25, 2011 – at Seven Fountains Retreat House in Chiangmai, Thailand. Provincials, Regional Superiors, and Formators should think about selecting suitable candidates for the program, usually Scholastics who have finished at least one year of theology. These dates are to accommodate Japan, South Korea,China, Indonesia. EATEP 2012 will be in April-May, 2012 for LHS and Arrupe International Residences in Manila.

Martyrs of AIR

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Mission Sunday 2010 at Arrupe International Residence –Honoring Arrupeans who gave their lives for Others

Mission Sunday was given a special significance at the Arrupe International Residence this year.  It was an occasion to remember the two former Arrupeans who gave their lives for others: Scholastics Richie Fernando (PHI) who was killed in Cambodia on 17 Oct 1996, and Father A.T. Thomas (HAZ) who was killed in India between 24 – 27 Oct 1997.

JRS Australia opens new shelter

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For the first time ever, Jesuit Refugee Service Australia will be able to accommodate entire refugee families after opening its latest shelter, a former boarding house in the Sydney beachside suburb of Manly.

The organisation recently held a housewarming party for the 13 residents – including a tiny baby – who will call the shelter home until their asylum applications are processed and they are able to get back on their feet.

JRS Online Retreat

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This November 14th is the 30th anniversary of the founding of Jesuit Refugee Service. We recall fondly Father Pedro Arrupe’s sound advice to “pray, pray much” as he encouraged the struggling first generation of Jesuit Refugee Service team members in Southeast Asia to bring the overwhelming challenges of their new apostolic work to the Lord in prayer.