Fr Pri as Asst to the Tertian Instructor

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The next batch to join the Asia-Pacific Tertianship will meet the new Assistant to the Tertian Instructor, Fr Priyono Marwan (IDO). Fr Pri teaches psychology at Sanata Dharma University. In 2000-2002, he was the Socius to the President of the Conference, which was then held by Fr Ismael Zuloaga (CHN).

Prayers for the Sick

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Please remember in your prayers, Fr Tom Steinbugler (PHI) and Fr Jim Meehan (PHI) who are both convalescing from their recent illnesses.

JCAP Upcoming events July – August 2010

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19 – 23 Jul Major Superiors' meeting, Seoul, South Korea
02 – 06 Aug

JCAP President’s Schedule for July – August 2010

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17 – 25 Jul In Korea for for Major Superiors' meeting
27 Jul EAPI Board of Trustees Meeting, Manila
01 – 07 Aug In Fukuoka, Japan for Jesuit Education Workshop

Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific

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Last 4 February 2010, Fr General received a request from the Major Superiors of the Jesuit Conference of East Asia and Oceania,  seeking approval of a new name for the Conference. On 1 March 2010, Fr General approved the change. Henceforth, the Conference is to be known as the “Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific.” The following administrative abbreviations will be used: CAP for the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific and ASP for the Assistancy of Asia Pacific. (Excerpt from the Letter to all Major Superiors 2010/07)

Jesuits in Asia Pacific: A mission and a vision

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The Jesuit mission in Asia Pacific flows from a centuries old vision. In 1540, the very same year the Jesuits were approved, Francis Xavier was sent to Asia. He arrived in Goa in 1542, in Japan in 1549, and died at the border of China in 1552. Now Jesuits in Asia Pacific number almost 1800, including those still in training. They serve in some 15 countries of this region, both in the intensely populated countries of Asia and in tiny Pacific nations.

Appointment of Director of EAPI

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April 15, 2010. On the recommendation of the Board of Trustees of EAPI, the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific appoints Fr Arthur Leger SJ as the next director of the East Asian Pastoral Institute (EAPI), commencing June 01,  2010. Fr Leger succeeds Fr Jeyaraj Rasiah SJ, who leaves Manila on May 19 and will assume his new role Provincial of Sri Lanka on May 24.