Providing for growing vocations

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With the increase in the number of scholastics, the Vietnam Province started construction at St Joseph's.  Everyone looks forward to 24 new private rooms, a laboratory and a small chapel, and two more big classrooms when the work is finished.

Two Vietnamese scholastics will be going to Rome to work at the Radio Vatican. A third one will be sent to Cambodia.

California Province initiates the Malatesta Program

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“The Malatesta Program is envisioned as a person-to-person exchange based on Fr. Ricci's model of establishing friendships among Chinese and American scholars, and providing opportunities for intellectual and cultural exchange through lectures, academic conferences, and joint research and publications. The objective of the program is to promote academic collaboration through an exchange between faculty and graduate students at the three California Jesuit universities and those at selected Chinese universities.” wrote John P. McGarry, Provincial of California.

28 young men join the Society this year

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Fresh faces are filling up the novitiates across Asia Pacific.  Last February, Korea accepted five novices. In March, Indonesia welcomed 12 and Australia has three. Philippines has added five. And by the end of April, three more will be in the Myamar Novitiate.  Thank you God for these abundant gifts!

A Cluster of Events on the Convention of Cluster Munitions and Mine Ban Treaty

posted in: Migration, Social Justice | 0

16th February 2010 was another mile-stone to celebrate achievement. It is indeed good news of great joy! Sr Denise, Country Director of JRS Cambodia excitedly exclaimed, “Today (16th February 2010) we got the 30 ratifications on the cluster munitions treaty!” This means the treaty will enter into force on 1st August 2010 as a binding international law. “Today we are letting off 104 balloons at Siem Reap, Battambang, Banteay Prieb, and Phnom Penh. 104 is the number of signatories,” continued Sr Denise.

eRenlai explores inter-religious dialogue

posted in: Interreligious Dialogue | 0

eRenlai's March Focus explores the state of inter-religious dialogue within various countries, cultures and grassroots communities in Asia. It starts with an interview of Fr Jerry Martinson (CHN) who talks about meditating with Buddhist monks and the dynamics of interfaith dialogue in Asia through his experiences during and after filming the documentary Pilgrims in Dialogue in 1991.