MAGiS 2011 in Madrid

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The MAGiS 2011 experience is divided into three different geographical and pastoral stages, with different activities in each of them keeping the core elements because the magis starts in the prior of the WYD but it continues during the days in Madrid and we hope that it goes on in their daily lives back home. The three stages that make MAGiS 2011 are: the Ignatian gathering in Loyola, the experiments throughout Spain and Portugal, and the WYD at Madrid.

JCAP events April – June 2010

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Apr 19 – May 16 East Asian Theological Encounter Program, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Apr 23 – 25

JCAP President’s Schedule for April – June 2010

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Making apostolic dreams come true

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Development Officers’ Workshop, JCEAO Manila, 22-24 February 2010

As old ways fail, new paths open. Financial crises of recent years demonstrate that the Society can no longer rely on single sources of income such as investments, to fulfill its mission. Asia Pacific development officers, gathered for a workshop in Manila recently, explored alternative sources of support for the Jesuit mission. Being a new Conference network, they engaged in the exercise with enthusiasm and revealed considerable knowledge and skills. Many people in Asia, whether they are Christian or otherwise, do wish to contribute to our efforts, they affirmed. The challenge, and this is the core task of development offices, is to reach out to them and invite them to share in our mission. The workshop explored the practicalities of making and sustaining contact with our partners in mission.

Jesuit immersion in an Islamic school – An Indonesian Experience

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In early July 2009, eighteen Jesuit scholastics studying philosophy in Jakarta travelled twelve hours by road to an Islamic boarding school in Salatiga in the Province of Central Java. Accompanied by two Jesuit priests – Frs. YB Heru Prakosa and Greg Soetomo – they were on their way to living in that boarding house with Muslim Clerics. Is this kind of engagement significant? What is the purpose of involvement in the Muslim community?

Newsbits on Cambodia

Jesuit Refugee Service Cambodia reports that the International Convention on Cluster Munitions has now been ratified by 30 countries, which means that it will become binding international law on 1 September 2010. The director of JRS Cambodia, Sister Denise Coghlan, had been lobbying tirelessly governments as part of the Cluster Munition Coalition (CMC). (Source: Headlines 2010/02 News from the Jesuit Social Apostolate)

Apr 22 – 25 In Chiang Mai, Thailand for the Workshop on Buddhist Studies
Apr 26 – May 16 In Europe to visit partners
May 26 – 29 In Quezon City, Philippines for the Creative Communications Workshop
Jun Visits to Vietnam, Myanmar and Micronesia