Korea: living out the spirit of GC35

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The Korean province assembly was held in the newly consecrated Jesuit Apostolic Center in Seoul last January 15 – 17. The assembly stemmed from the ardent desire to implement the spirit of GC 35 so that the spirit infiltrates into every fibre of its apostolates and communities. Since March 2009, a total of 12 preparatory meetings paved the way for Jesuits to get together as a part of the preparation of the assembly.

New Assignments for Myanmar

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Effective mid-June 2010, Fr Maurus Irsan Rimawal (IDO) becomes the Novice Director of Santa Maria della Strada Novitiate in Taunggyi. It is expected that four new novices will be coming in by April 30. Fr Irsan has been called to final vows in the Society, with the date to be announced soon. Fr Wardi Saputra (IDO), the current director, will take a deserved break. Thanks so much, Fr Wardi, for the 11 years you have dedicated to our Jesuit Myanmar and Thai novices.

Sharing our Graces to the Youth: CLC Philippines Joins the Taizé Pilgrimage of Trust Manila Meeting

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From February 3 to 7, Tinnah, Amity, and I joined around 3,500 young people in the Manila Meeting of the Taizé Pilgrimage of Trust on Earth. Young people from all over Asia and other continents attended, to pray and share about their faith and life experiences with others. It was really an experience—praying for an hour or even more three times a day, being in silence with thousands of people, conversing with different people about one God, and listening to the reflections of the Taizé Brothers.

The making of Seek God Everywhere

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Fr Gerry O’Collins (ASL) writes: The story of my 54th book, Seek God Everywhere (New York: Doubleday) seems worth telling. In late 1975 at his Sadhana Institute (near Pune), Fr Tony de Mello SJ ran a course on the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius for seven Jesuit priests and seven religious sisters. Two or three times a week he gave hour-long talks that were taped. Several members of the group then typed out the talks and gave the others a carbon copy. Thirty years later one of the group made his copy available to me and two American Jesuits.

Fr Walpole on Environmental Sustainability

posted in: Reconciliation with Creation | 0

An environmental scientist with experience in disaster mitigation, Fr Pedro Walpole (PHI) talks about founding Environmental Sustainability for Social Change, a group using scientific data on the environment to advocate for changes aimed at making poor communities less susceptible to natural disaster. He also talks about his experiences working in an area wracked by conflict. The two-part video was recorded at the Jesuit Social Services All Staff Day, 12 December 2009. View Part 1.

Giving one’s life for people in the margins is not ‘sacrifice’

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BANGKOK (UCAN) – The new head of the Jesuit ministry for foreign prisoners in Thailand, says 20 years of devotion to foreign migrants and refugees has been a joy and not been wasted.

Vilaiwan Phokthavi, 57, could have followed a lucrative career as an accountant with the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand after graduating from the prestigious Chulalongkorn University, but decided instead to join the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS).