EAPI Course Offering 2010

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Beginning January 4, 2010, the EAPI, in lieu of the usual Effective Steward Leadership course, will be offering a special training course on Biblical Pastoral Training which is in collaboration with the Catholic Biblical Federation (CBF) Southeast Asian Region.  This course is especially designed to pastoral workers who are mostly involved in biblical ministry in their respective mission and work posts.  It will end on April 2.

Welcome Fr Benedict and Anne

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The new Socius for the Jesuit Conference of East Asia and Oceania arrived last November 11 in the person of Fr Benedict Jung Kang-yup (KOR), taking over Fr Pham Minh-Uoc (ASL). We thank Fr Minh-Uoc for his faithful service and wish him well as he continues his ministry at the EAPI. Fr Benedict is also the understudy of Fr Tom Steinbugler (PHI) in the area of finances.

JCEAO Upcoming events December 2009 – January 2010

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Dec 06 – 09 Jesuit Education Commission-EAO National Coordinators Meeting,  Hong Kong
Dec 17 – 30

Asia Pacific SJs in London

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On Friday, 25 September, British Provincial Fr Michael Holman hosted Mass and dinner at the Provincial Curia on Farm Street to welcome the Jesuits who have recently arrived in London for studies (around 30 Jesuits from all over the world!).    Those who belong to the (soon to be) renamed Asia Pacific Conference (plus one!), residing in different communities in London but more or less previously acquainted because of Conference activities, celebrated their friendship with this photograph.  

Bishop O’Kelly writes from Port Pirie

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Herewith a bit of a report on the last three months or so. In mid-October, Br Ian Cribb  joins myself and a Josephite Sister on a five-day visit to homesteads in the Far North, going by four-seater plane to thirteen destinations, spending a half day in each and staying overnight with the families or in the Shearers’ Quarters.  People come in from outlying Stations and we meet them and say Mass in some of the homesteads.  The Josephite is roving Pastoral Associate, and Ian will reflect on what we might do in the way of the Exercises for such remote people

Floods in Siem Reap

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On 04 October, Fr Heribertus Pardjijo Bratasudarma (IDO) wrote, “In Siem Reap the floods started on Wednesday morning, but it came to the church only on Wednesday evening. The Siem Reap River that divides Siem Reap town was overflowing. Over half of Siem Reap town was flooded. Most parts of Old Market were flooded. The church was flooded from the water from the river and from the water that kept flowing from the back of the church from villages.

Jesuit and nurse in East Timor for 47 years

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Brother Daniel Ornelas died on 4th September in Oporto (Portugal). He devoted himself to nursing in East Timor for almost 50 years. After four years in Portugal and six at Vatican Radio, he left for East Timor in 1962. There, he served until 1975 through maintenance, in diverse tasks, especially nursing. Since the conflict with Indonesia, he looked after the people in the mountains during those difficult 24 years. He attended to a large public and taught his skills to many people who were with him.

Dec 06 – 09 In Hong Kong for JEC-EAO National Coordinators Meeting
Dec 11 – 15 In Tokyo, Japan for Migration Conference
Jan 05 In Manila, Philippines for the Meeting of Philippine Superiors