All Jesuits in East Timor
This photo was taken on 28 September at Retreat House in Dare at the end of Jesuits’ Community eight-day Retreat directed by Fr George Pattery, Provincial of the Kolkata (Calcutta) Province (front row, third from left).
This photo was taken on 28 September at Retreat House in Dare at the end of Jesuits’ Community eight-day Retreat directed by Fr George Pattery, Provincial of the Kolkata (Calcutta) Province (front row, third from left).
During the Wednesday, 23 September Papal Audience, the New Japanese Catholic Encyclopedia was presented to the Pope. It consists of four volumes each 1,500 pages in length. The editorial work began in 1981 and has taken almost 30 years to complete. Fr Shunichi Takayanagi (JPN), editor writes, “Between 1940 and 1960 the Jesuits published a five volume Catholic Encyclopedia.
After discussions with Fr Bernard Arputhasamy, JRS Regional Director, and Mr. Aden Raj, Thailand Country Director, Fr Paul Pollock, Superior of Thailand Region, is happy to announce that the JRS country office will now move to Xavier Hall, and incorporate itself with the JRS-Asia Pacific offices. There are sufficient rooms and spaces available on the first and second floors of the office building to allow this increase of personnel.
SEOUL (UCAN) — Two cardinals, one from Seoul and the other from Manila, who saw their countries through transitions to democracy, epitomized two different aspects of pastoral leadership, says an Asian theology lecturer.
Fr Paul Dass (MAS) will be coming to Taunggyi, to be the Director of Gonzaga Language Institute. Paul will begin his work around the beginning of January 2010. While waiting for his arrival, Ms Irene Ho continues to do both jobs as Director and Principal. When Paul arrives, and has his introduction to the ministry, he will take over the position of Director, and Irene will continue as Principal.
On September 12, Filipino scholastics Cristopher Fajardo, Joseph Haw Jr., Gilbert Emmanuel Levosada, Marlito Ocon, Alberto Paurom, Roy Cenon Ragas, and Karel San Juan were ordained deacons at the Church of the Gesu, Ateneo de Manila. The ordaining Prelate was Most Reverend Francisco Claver, S.J., D.D., Emeritus Apostolic Vicar of Bontoc-Lagawe.
Fr Martin Suhartono will be returning to Thailand, where the entire region will all surely be glad to welcome him. For now, he will be assigned to Xavier Hall, and have a chance to brush up his Thai. He is expected to arrive on November 1 (All Saints Day!). With many thanks to Fr Riyo Mursanto, provincial of Indonesia, for his generosity in remembering Thailand.
Though the cold season still embraced the land from Down-Under, the hosts for this year’s Annual Meeting gave their very warm welcome to the participants of the AJCU EAO. Hosted by Fr Frank Brennan and the Australian Province, the members of the AJCU EAO enjoyed Australian hospitality during their stay at Canisius College last 25 – 27 August.
Twenty-nine Jesuit Brothers gathered in Yogyakarta, Indonesia last 15 – 21 July. Sixteen of them came from provinces outside Indonesia.
They shared common experiences regarding vocation promotion, formation, and identity. For their reflection points on the theme Our identity and mission in the light of GC35, they were guided by Fr Paul Wiryono Priyatamtama (IDO), Bro James Boynton (DET), Fr Danny Huang (PHI), and Fr Joe Daoust (DET).
Twenty nine people, Jesuits and partners, from 17 countries in our region involved in the social apostolate met in Manila, the Philippines, from 17 – 21 August. Participants came from the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, East Timor, Micronesia, Australia, Korea, China, Taiwan, Japan, Myanmar, Cambodia and Vietnam (only Laos and Thailand were not represented). Fernando Franco SJ, Director of the Social Justice Secretariat in Rome, was also a participant.