Communiqué about Promotio Iustitiae

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In the light of our option in favour of the environment and with full awareness of the new opportunities offered by the digital world, the Social Justice Secretariat has decided that its journal, Promotio Iustitiae, will be published only in an electronic format, starting with the next issue. Thus, the most recent issue, number 101 (2009/1), is the last one you will receive printed on paper.

UCAN’s new video service

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UCAN is now offering short video reports on aspects of the Church’s mission and ministry in Asia. It started with half a dozen in Thailand as pilots and two of the six are on Jesuit projects. The first is on the Jesuit Refugee Service. The second, Santiwana, is about a retreat centre developed by Fr Vichai Phoktavi (TAI).

Personnel updates and movement

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After more than 10 years of remarkable service, Lucy Dimalanta finished her work with the Jesuit Conference on August 15. She is very much missed for her constant availability, practical and thoughtful presence. Lucy, who began at JCEAO when Fr Zuloaga was President and served with Fr Adolfo Nicolas until he was named as Superior General of the Jesuits, is well known to many Jesuits and religious in the Philippines who come for her help in booking tickets and many practical matters, and to all who come into Manila for international meetings.

JCEAO Upcoming events September – October 2009

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Sep 1 Start of Sri Lanka Tertianship
Sep 6

Father General’s trip to the Philippines and Indonesia

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From 11 – 14 July Father General will visit the Philippine Province to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the return of the Jesuits to the country (see further on) and the founding of what is today the Ateneo de Manila University. In 1768, the Jesuits of the Philippine Province, 154 in all, were expelled by order of King Charles III of Spain. They returned almost a hundred years later, in 1859, with the intention of evangelizing the southern island of Mindanao. Besides undertaking this pioneering missionary work, in December of the same year they assumed responsibility for the Escuela Pia, later renamed Ateneo Municipal. The present day Ateneo de Manila University has a student population of over 18.000. The Sesquicentennial Anniversary Eucharistic celebration will be held on July 12; Father General will be the principal celebrant. About 4.000 people, including 200 Jesuits, are expected to participate. The next day Father Nicolás will deliver the keynote address on: "Issues and challenges in Jesuit education today" before a group of Jesuits and their lay collaborators from the five universities, one college and other schools of the Philippine Province.

Church irrigation work brings ‘a drop of hope’

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TAHEN, Cambodia (UCAN) — The Church here is the driving force behind an irrigation project aimed at giving villagers access to water all year round, improving agricultural productivity and giving better access to drinking water.

The project, called "A Drop of Hope," is being coordinated by Pablo Figaredo, a Spaniard and the nephew of Jesuit Monsignor Enrique Figaredo, the apostolic prefect of Battambang. Read more. . .

A new service to the Church in Asia

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Director for the past few months of Asian Catholic Agency Ucanews, Australian Jesuit Fr. Michael Kelly launched a week ago a new service: CathNews Asia. The service will offer daily news and articles on the Catholic Church of the Asian Continent. This is an enlargement of the services offered by Ucanews – Fr. Kelly said – and will take advantage of his network of more than 250 correspondents. "The major opportunities for the Church of the whole world are in Asia – Fr.

150 years Jesuits in Indonesia

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The Jesuits are celebrating their 150 years of service in Indonesia on 19 – 20 July at Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta. The Jesuit modern mission there (long after St Francis Xavier served in Celebes and Mollucas in 16th century) began on 9 July 1859 when Frs Martin van den Elzen and John Baptist Pallinckx (NER) arrived in Batavia (Jakarta).

Sep 2 – 4, 10 – 18
Visitation, Arrupe International Residence
Sep 6 – 9 In Tokyo, Japan for Treasurers’ Circle Meeting