New President for JCSA

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Fr General appointed Fr Edward Mudavassery (HAZ) Provincial of South Asia and President of the South Asian Jesuit Conference (JCSA). Fr Edward was born in 1944, entered the Society of Jesus in 1963 and was ordained a priest in 1976. Formerly, he was the Provincial of Hazaribagh and presently serves as Rector of Vidyajyoti College of Theology in Delhi. He will commence on May 31, 2009.

Tertians happy with Kandy Program

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The tertians in Kandy had their Triduum before the program finished on February 27 evening. Prior to that, they had an evaluation and came up with some suggestions for the next programme. In general they are very happy with their tertianship at Kandy. The community, house, facilities, climate, food, programme are excellent.

JCEAO April – May 2009 Activities

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  • April 13 – 15: Theological Cooperation Working Group Meeting
  • April 15 – 16: JCEAO Consultors Meeting
  • May 29 – 30: Meeting of Preparatory Group for Social Apostolate Workshop

All these will be held in Quezon City, Philippines.

JCEAO President’s Schedule for March – May 2009

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  • March 13 – 17: With Jesuits in Thailand for the Regional Discernment
  • March 18 – 21: With Jesuits in Cambodia for Jesuit Service Cambodia Planning
  • March 23 – 25: Visit to Zamboanga City, Philippines
  • March 27 – April 5: In Australia
  • April 15 – 16: JCEAO Consult Meeting, JCEAO Office
  • April 17 – May 20: Sabbatical
  • May 21 – 27: In Cambodia for Deacon Jub Phokthavi’s Priesthood Ordination

Advocating a Universal Mission

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Newly appointed Jesuit Conference for East Asia and Oceania (JCEAO) President Fr. Mark Raper, SJ bikes around the Ateneo de Manila campus and understandably, speaks with a distinctive Australian twang. Father Raper, in an interview with The Windhover’s Frank Savadera, SJ speaks to us about his experience of the 35th General Congregation, his work with the refugees and the evolving challenges being faced by the entire East Asia and Oceania Assistancy.

Major Superiors gathered in Manila

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A new Conference Formation Delegate, better cooperation on theology and philosophy, regional planning and management, and other concerns kept the major superiors occupied last January 26–29 in Manila.

Jesuit formation and apostolic planning were high on the list for the thirteen JCEAO (Jesuit Conference of East Asia and Oceania) major superiors who met in Manila, as guests of the Philippine Province, in the last week of January. The Conference, which meets every six months, is represented by the major superiors of seven provinces and six regions or missions, and covers over fifteen countries.

Jesuit Mission Cambodia January 2008 News

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Sogang University students on exposure, regents on a seminarian gathering, and medical visits added vitality to this dynamic mission.

Fr Dennis Gabriel Leon "Gabby" Lamug-nañawa (PHI) completed his assignment to Cambodia and left on January 6 for home leave in Manila before proceeding to his special studies in environment in Townsville, Australia. We wish him a fruitful time in his studies.

Eviction of Dey Krohom Residents: A Setback for the Rule of the Law

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Statement by the Cambodia Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

"We have watched with consternation the sudden and violent eviction of what remained of the Dey Krohom community over the Chinese New Year weekend. After nearly a month of protracted negotiations between the residents, the 7NG Construction company and the Municipality, aimed at finding a mutually agreeable settlement of compensation claims, the company unilaterally withdrew from the discussion and the suspended eviction order was implemented by law-enforcement agencies."