JCEAO Office Activities October 2008

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  • October 4–5: Meeting of Consult, Secretaries and Directors of Work.
  • October 5–6: Meeting of President with Consultors.
  • October 14–22: Fr Mark travels to China to attend The Beijing Center (TBC) Board Meeting, TBC 2nd Decade Celebration, TBC Conference on the Qing Dynasty, and a Meeting on Higher Education in China
  • October 26–Nov 1: Fr Mark travels to Bangkok for Thailand’s Regional Gathering

Tertians on exposure

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After three weeks in Loyola House, and now that they have settled down smoothly in their new quarters for the coming six months, it is time this week for the Tertians to get out of their new "comfort zone" and experience another aspect of Filipino life. They will now spend eight days with poor Filipino families in the squatter area of Navotas in order to have a "feel" (schola affectus indeed) of simple family living and see how lived faith gives hope and slowly brings about justice.

Cambodia August 2008 News

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Fr Kim Taejin (KOR) moved to the parish in Kampong Thom on August 4 for a three-month pastoral experience from August to October 2008. He is working with Fr Franco Legnani, PIME at the parish church.

MRI Stories from the Field

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In Myanmar, 2.3 million people were affected by cyclone Nargis. Millions lost their shelter, especially the ‘squatters’ who did not have a land and occupied some of the unhealthy lands as their shelter base.

There were many others who lost their near and dear ones killed in the cyclone. Where the parents died, the children have aged overnight, thrust with the responsibility of surviving and supporting other siblings.

Tertianship programs take off

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The Assistancy Common Tertianship for 2008-2009 begins with an opening Eucharist presided by Fr Mark Raper on September 8. The program has the following participants: Christopher G. Dumadag (PHI), Jerry Raymond Gomes (CCU), Vidal J. Gornez (PHI), Luat V. Hoang (CFN), Ehi A.

Office Staff Movements

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On September 6, Fr Mark Raper transfers to Manila. He will reside at the East Asian Pastoral Institute while he serves his term as President of JCEAO. On September 12, he will travel to Rome to attend the meeting of conference presidents with Fr General. He will be back at the office on September 24.

Fr Tom Steinbugler returns from Australia on September 8, after attending the meeting of Province Treasurers in Sydney.