Myanmar July 2008 News

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On August 1, Fr Peter Kim Se Mang wrote, "Earlier at 5pm we had a Eucharist at Canisius House presided by Archbishop Charles followed by a dinner and a short programme. This year marked the first ten years of our mission here. The celebration was graced by the presence of around 150 priests, religious, and lay collaborators. Joseph Aik Maung and Francis Htjaru, our two regents, did a great job doing the lion’s share in organizing the event with the help of 21 candidates in Yangon.

East Timor July 2008 News

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Community Retreat

Annual retreat at the Carmelite Retreat House in MaubaraThirteen mission members plus three novices made their annual retreat at the Carmelite Retreat House in Maubara on July 14 – 22. Fr Danny Huang (PHI), incoming Assistant for EAO for Father Nicolas, gave points each morning on GC 35. His excellent input made the retreat a good experience for all.

Korea’s new provincial

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On July 30, Fr Matthias Chae, Provincial of Korea, sent out the information that Fr. General has appointed Fr John Won-sik Sin as the next Provincial of Korea. Fr John was born in 1961, entered the Society in 1986, was ordained in 1996. He has been the novice master in Korea Province for the last seven years. Hopefully, Fr John can take office by September 1st.

Handover in Indonesia

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The ceremonial handover was held on July 21, at the end of the meeting of Local superiors and Directors of works. Fr Paul Wiryono, the former provincial read the letter from Fr General. Then Fr Priyono Marwan, current provincial, handed the letter to Fr Riyo Mursanto, the new provincial, along with a cellphone (a symbol of communication) and a key (a symbol of the treasurer’s box).

EAO Activities for August 2008

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  • August 14: EAPI Board of Trustees Meeting, EAPI, Quezon City, Philippines
  • August 26–28: AJCU Annual Meeting, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • August 31–September 5: EAO Treasurers’ Circle Meeting, Sydney, Australia.

Fr. Tom Steinbugler in 1961


Fr. Tom Steinbugler marked his 60th year in the Society last July 30. Congratulations, Fr Tom!


Summer Exposure of Juniors

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William Paul and Albino with members of the Talaandi Tribe.

William Paul and Albino with members of the Talaandi Tribe.

To develop a sensus christi through sharing lives with the local people and to strengthen the apostolic spirit through the concrete experiences of a mission trial, the first year juniors underwent a Summer Exposure Program. Last April 14, eight juniors traveled by ship to Mindanao.

Arrupeans on Foreign Mission Exposure Program (FMEP)

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By the end of the second semester of the school year 2007-2008, some scholastics immediately prepared for their Foreign Mission Exposure Program (FMEP). The main purpose of this program is to help the scholastic develop the Jesuit character of being available "to be sent anywhere in the world." The program allows a kind of "dreaming experience" where one experiences what it feels like to be sent to a place with a different culture, language, political situation, and to work with other Jesuits and their colleagues.

JESCOMEAO June 2008 News

Jesuit Communications Foundation in Manila, in collaboration with the EAPI and JESCOMEAO, conducted an annual one-month Pastoral Communications Workshop for participants coming throughout Asia from May 14 to June 13. Mr. Augustine Loorthusamy (SIGNIS World President, JESCOMEAO Special Assistant) and Fr Jerry Martinson launched this year’s workshop which drew a record number of over 40 participants.

Micronesia May-June 2008 News

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Xavier High School, Micronesia

The school had only a few boys (and no girls) when it started in 1952 at an old bombarded Japanese Communication Centre in Chuuk State; but for its 2007-2008 academic year, it had 142 girls and boys, among the best students of Micronesia. Under the remarkable leadership of the school’s Director, Fr Arthur Leger, the school community had long prepared for and looked forward to important events which took place in and around the school’s new chapel Maria della Strada.