JRS-AP Updates

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Helping in Daru-Kiunga

From the 8-18 February 2007, Fr David Holdcroft (Country Director, JRS Australia) and Fr Bernard Arputhasamy (Regional Director, JRS Asia-Pacific) visited the Diocese of Daru-Kiunga, Papua New Guinea. The Diocese of Daru-Kiunga is in the Western Province of Papua New Guinea (PNG). The Bishop of the Diocese, Gilles Cote, SMM, invited JRS to consider assisting him in the service of refugees in the Western Province, sharing the border with West Papua. There are about 10,000 West Papuan refugees in here.

Bob Ronald in e-Renlai

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The KPS community in Taipei is graced with the presence of Bob Ronald. Bob, after having worked as rehabilitator for more than thirty years, and having founded in Taiwan the association Deshandicap, has converted himself into a prolific and inspired spiritual writer: He is not your typical apologist though… His experience with handicap, his love of fables, poems and short stories, his own literary inventiveness, and his down-to-earth, malicious wisdom, all of this has led to his “alternative” achievement in the field of spiritual writing.

EAO Consult in May

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Fr Nico will meet with the EAO Consult on May 9–10 at the EAO Office in preparation for the meeting of the Major Superiors and of Major Superiors with the Electors for GC35 in July.

Staff whereabouts

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Fr Tom Stein went to the USA last April 11. He will attend the Treasurers/TAG Meeting on April 17–19 in Manresa Retreat House, Bloomfield Hills, MI. He takes this chance to visit his family and friends and will be back on May 24.

Fr Minh-Uoc arrived last April 25 after professing his final vows in Australia. He proceeds to his new residence at EAPI to take on the responsibilities as superior of EAPI Jesuit community.

Personnel movements in East Timor

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In the evening of March 25 a despedida was held for Fr Lalo Lebron, who will depart for Suai on Wednesday, March 28.

Fr Joseph Phuong (VIE) will return on Friday, March 30, after his Tertianship in Manila and his visit to Vietnam.  He will then go the next day to Suai for Holy Week.  He will return to Dili right after Easter.  Hopefully, he will have his new assignment soon after that.

Groundbreaking for New School in Dili

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In the morning of March 26, the Communidade Amigos de Jesus had a groundbreaking ceremony for their new school at the property beside the Jesuit Residence. The Portuguese Ambassador came since most of the money is coming from the Portuguese government. The Society bought the land and will retain ownership, giving Communidade Amigos de Jesus full use of the land without rent. It was a pleasant affair with singing and dancing with drums.

Welcome Mass for Fr Je

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Last March 22, Fr Gabriel Byong-young Je, Delegate of Korea Provincial in Cambodia, wrote, “On the feast of St. Joseph, the Jesuit Service team celebrated a mass of welcome for me as the delegate of the Korean Provincial at Banteay Prieb, the Centre of the Dove. At the same time, the team thanked Fr. Greg Priyadi of the Indonesian Province for acting as local superior before I arrived. It is a particular joy for me to discover here companions from my regency days in Site 2, so many years ago, like Sr. Denise, Sr. Ath, Msgr. Kike and Fr. Ashley.

Pham brothers take Final Vows

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Fr Pham Minh-Uoc (ASL), JCEAO Socius and Vice Superior of Theologians in Arrupe International Residence, and Fr Pham Van Ai (ASL), Vice Superior of Juniors in Arrupe, will take their final vows on April 21, to be received by Fr Mark Raper, at the 4:30pm Eucharist in the Chapel of the Holy Name, St Ignatius’ College, Athelstone, Australia.

On the China Apostolate

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In Hong Kong last March 11, there was a one-day intensive conversation about the intellectual apostolate in China. Fr Nicolas Standaert, one of the “consultants” of the Chinese Province, was invited to propose questions for reflection and chair the meeting.

News Report from EAPI – April 2007

posted in: Parishes & Pastoral Work | 0

Effective Steward Leadership Course 2007

The course on Effective Steward Leadership ended on March 29, 2007. In a closing liturgy and ceremony, 71 received their respective certificates of completion. Out of the 71 graduates, 36 got their Diploma in Pastoral Ministry after completing two regular courses and submitting a pastoral project.