Interreligious Dialogue

Finding God in the remnants of war
As part of this year’s Asia Pacific Theological Encounter Programme (APTEP), a few of us scholastics from Arrupe International Residence in Manila travelled to more

Accompanying the youth towards deeper life experiences
One day, while reflecting on their experience living with Muslim families in the southern part of Thailand, one student shared: “I was afraid to more

Growing in spiritual closeness with Muslims this Ramadan
Muslims around the world have begun the month of Ramzan (Ramadan) with fasting, prayer, and almsgiving. They will be fasting from dawn to dusk more

Dialogue, a new way of being Church
In the Asian context of widespread poverty, diversity of religions, and multiplicity of cultures, dialogue is a new way of being Church, said Fr more

“The Wheel & The Cross” invites readers to genuine understanding of religious traditions in Buddhism and Christianity
The newest publication of the Buddhist Studies and Dialogue Group of the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific (JCAP) is inspired by the “loving friendship” more

Insights on Christian-Muslim relations from Jesuit scholars of Islam in India
Indian Jesuit Fr Victor Edwin SJ has written a new book that explores the contributions of three Jesuit pioneers in transforming Christian-Muslim relations in more

Ignatian Spirituality and Islamic Teachings: An Asian journey of conversion during the Ignatian Year
What started as an individual reflective writing exercise 10 months ago turned into an inspiring journey of collaborative discernment for those of us—Jesuit priests, religious, more

Online but in-depth: A digital approach to Buddhist-Christian dialogue
The international conference of the Buddhist Studies and Dialogue Group turned to virtual this year after safety concerns from Covid-19 continue to restrict travel more

Friendship and dialogue in the Asian context
The long-awaited gathering of the East Asian Theological Encounter Programme (EATEP) happened in early July. Due to the pandemic, this year’s session was held online– more