An anthology on Muslim-Christian dialogue

The Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific, in collaboration with the East Asian Pastoral Institute (EAPI), has published a collection of essays exploring Muslim-Christian relations, with a focus on the lived experiences and theological exchanges in Indonesia and beyond. Titled “Toward … Continued

Rooted in service: A Jesuit gathering on migration, faith, and fellowship

The Scholastics and Brothers Circle recently held its annual gathering over Christmas, hosted by the Cebu Center for Ignatian Spirituality in the Philippines. Forty-five Jesuits in formation from around the conference (including representatives from North America and Europe) gathered for … Continued

Appreciating the social dimension of the mission of the Society of Jesus

The global scope of the Society’s mission was clearly evident at the Scholastics and Brothers Circle meeting held from 23 to 30 December at the Cebu Center for Ignatian Spirituality-Jesuit Retreat House in Cebu City. Of the 50 participants, including … Continued

Capturing stories through mobile filmmaking

For three days in November, participants from the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) Regional Office joined a workshop on mobile filmmaking. Designed for individuals with minimal equipment—usually just a mobile phone—the workshop was a collaboration between the Jesuit Conference of Asia … Continued