Can we hear the voices of the climate crisis?

It has been eight years since Pope Francis published Laudato sí, sharing his concerns about the care for our common home. His latest apostolic exhortation, Laudate Deum (Praise God), released on 4 October 2023, the Feast Day of St Francis … Continued

Free online course: “Toward a Constitutively Synodal Church”

The Union of Superiors General has announced the Third Intercontinental Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on the theme “Toward a Constitutively Synodal Church”. All videos will be facilitated virtually and will be offered at no cost to participants worldwide. Utilising … Continued

Fostering a Church that listens

The Catholic community in Battambang, Cambodia is taking steps towards nurturing a more synodal Church, one that listens to all her members. A recent workshop on synodal leadership was facilitated by a team from the East Asian Pastoral Institute (EAPI) … Continued

MAGIS 2023 opens in Lisbon

The long-awaited MAGIS 2023 officially opened on 22 July with an enthusiastic welcome for the nearly 2,000 young pilgrims from more than 80 countries, including 225 pilgrims from Asia Pacific. During the welcome ceremony held at the Colégio de São … Continued