Social Justice

Environmental Baseline Data Established at Xavier University
Xavier University has now established its baseline data for solid waste management program. Through the Physical Plant Office (PPO), a trial run was conducted for more

Shared Vision and Wisdom of the Whakatane Youth
Fr Pedro Walpole SJ recently attended an international conference in Whakatane, New Zealand on “Sharing Power: A New Vision for Development,” which focused on more

The road to my heart is wounded
Sad, shocked eyes looked at us from the hospital bed. Earlier in the week Sam Ren had driven the “iron buffalo”, a type of village tractor which carries more

Merapi and the Jesuit scholastics
The first big eruption of Mount Merapi was on the 26 October. A lot of people living as close as 10 km to the more

Services for migrants expands in Tokyo
The Jesuit Social Centre opened a new migration desk and the Tokyo Public Law Office inaugurated its Legal Assistance Section for more

Ecology and Jesuits in Communication
We are pleased to invite you to subscribe to Ecology and Jesuits in Communication, an e-newsletter of Jesuits and friends, as we respond to more

The World Mobilised
On November 9, Fr Mark Raper spoke at a conference held at the Pontifical Gregorian University to mark 30 years of Jesuit service to more

Thailand: JRS responds to the influx of people fleeing violence in Burma
Bangkok, 11 November 2010 – An estimated 20,000 people have fled to Thailand since conflict broke out between government forces and the fifth brigade more

Xavier University: Green Campus Initiatives
Recently, Xavier University had its groundbreaking ceremony at Manresa for their new CIT (Center of Industrial Technology), which is considered to be an environmentally more