Being with God in Nature

In 2002, the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference established Catholic Earthcare Australia with a mandate to assist in the ecological conversion of the Australian church. Fr Denis Edwards†, a respected eco-theologian, gave his support, and some green shoots were seen across … Continued

Living out a faith that does justice

For 75 years, the Institute of Social Order (ISO), known to be one of the oldest non-governmental organisations in the Philippines, has played a vital role in the formation of civil society organisations, championing laws and policies aimed at improving … Continued

African Jesuits’ social centre appeals for support for victims of Cyclone Freddy

The devastating effects of Cyclone Freddy, which hit Malawi, Mozambique, and Madagascar, continue to rise with the death toll surpassing 500 as governments and other rescue teams continue their operations. The Jesuit Centre for Ecology and Development (JCED) in Malawi, … Continued

Creator of Hope: Akhfaa Nazhat Al Wafaa

As we walked on the muddy footpath between the green rice paddies under a slight drizzle, the mesmerising sound of the adhan echoed above the village. We were heading to the Pesantren Ekologi Ath-Thaariq, an Islam boarding school and farm … Continued

“To Market, To Market”: St Ignatius’ parish holds Farmers’ Market

After a two-year hiatus, the Farmers’ Market of the Gardening Group of the Green Movement of the parish of St Ignatius, Singapore returned to Sacred Heart Hall on 24 September as part of the parish programme for the Season of … Continued