Railaco Kraik communities celebrate newly rehabilitated chapel
November 27, 2018
The faithful of Railaco Kraik in Timor-Leste witnessed the inauguration of St Inacio de Loiola chapel on November 9. The…
Meet the tertians
November 26, 2018
(Last in a four-part series on the tertians of the 2018-2019 Asia Pacific Tertianship programme) From all over the world,…
Grounded in the Missio Dei
November 24, 2018
If Ignatius were to go to Asia Pacific today, where would he go? To what and to whom would he…
Voices from Leadership by Conversation workshop
November 23, 2018
What better way to practice cura personalis than to use an approach to Growth Coaching that is based on ‘listening…
Xavier Jesuit School starts school year with new developments
November 21, 2018
The familiar noise of good chaos filled Xavier Jesuit School in Cambodia as the new academic year commenced. More than…
New Myanmar Leadership Institute: forming leaders with competence and compassion
November 20, 2018
“Replace the ‘I’ of ‘illness’ with ‘we’ and it becomes ‘wellness’. A good leader confronts the illness of society and…
Meet the tertians
November 19, 2018
(Part three of a four-part series on the tertians of the 2018-2019 Asia Pacific Tertianship programme) From all over the…
Youth Synod 2018: the Jesuit challenge
November 17, 2018
The Synod of Bishops on Young People, Faith and Vocational Discernment held last October holds particular importance for Jesuits who…
Becoming leaders anchored in Ignatian Spirituality
November 16, 2018
Fr Fernando Azpiroz SJ doesn’t believe that St Ignatius would approve of the branding of a leadership style as “Ignatian…
Fr Pedro Arrupe SJ: Servant of God
November 15, 2018
The Society of Jesus has officially begun the process toward the beatification cause of Fr Pedro Arrupe, 28th Jesuit Superior…