Inspired by his bookmark and Ignatius’ prayer for generosity
February 6, 2018
Five years ago, Colégio de Santo Inácio de Loiola (CSIL) took in its first intake of Year 7 students. In…
The way forward for JCAP
February 1, 2018
Discernment. Collaboration. Mission. These three words were used frequently during last week’s Major Superiors Assembly of the Jesuit Conference of…
2017 at a glance
January 17, 2018
2017 was a memorable year for the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific. From Fr General Arturo Sosa’s first visit to…
Kindling the fire of teacher education
January 17, 2018
API. The Indonesian word for “fire” or “flame” and the acronym for the new network of Jesuit schools formed to…
Japanese students video chat with Pope Francis
January 17, 2018
Students of Sophia University and the four Jesuit high schools in Japan had the rare opportunity to speak with Pope…
Seeing the face of Christ in migrant workers
January 17, 2018
As a child, Sr Wei Wei spent a summer listening to Bible stories elaborated by a young volunteer in a…
They know where their hearts are
January 16, 2018
The JCAP youth ministry is going from strength to strength. At just their second Magis Asia Pacific gathering, the youth…
Partnering to serve refugees in Cambodia: The Mercy Sisters and JRS
January 13, 2018
Women religious partnerships with JRS have become a vital element in aiding displaced people wherever there is need. This was…
Jesuits in formation re-imagine Jesuit education
January 12, 2018
“How can we innovate our education ministry to respond to the 21st century, while remaining faithful to our tradition?” This…
Overcoming hardships through friendliness and togetherness
January 5, 2018
On December 7, the JCAP tertians left Manila for their Christmas ministry in different provinces in northern Luzon, Philippines. Fr…