Missioned to the Conference
December 18, 2012
The Conference team is expanding and strengthening. Consultations between the President and Provincials over several months have resulted in the…
Structures for mission
November 20, 2012
In September, the six Conference Presidents gathered in Rome for their annual meeting with Fr General. Although we came from…
Conference of Jesuit Provincials in Latin America and the Caribbean (CPAL), Fr Adolfo Nicolás, Fr General, Fr Mark Raper, JCAP, Jesuit Conference of Africa and Madagascar (JCAM), Jesuit Conference of Canada and the United States (JCCU), Jesuits in Europe (JCEP), Jesuits in South Asia (JCSA), Message from the President
I do believe, but help the little faith I have
November 4, 2012
In a letter to Major Superiors on the occasion of the launch of the Year of Faith, Fr General Adolfo…
Fr General on New Evangelisation
November 4, 2012
In his invention at the 25th Synod of Bishops, Fr General Adolfo Nicolás, superior general of the Society of Jesus,…
Forming Jesuits for our time
October 12, 2012
Rectors and Formation delegates across the Conference of Asia Pacific gathered in Manila recently to discuss how to form Jesuits…
Xavier relic on pilgrimage of grace in Australia
October 12, 2012
A relic of St Francis Xavier has begun a three-month “Pilgrimage of Grace” in Australia. The relic is Xavier’s right…
Re-imagining the Filipino soul and story in education
October 12, 2012
From September 23 to 25, 2012, 340 delegates from 10 Jesuit schools converged in Zamboanga City to participate in the…
Loikaw Church – a journey of faith
October 12, 2012
Fr C Amal SJ, an Indian Jesuit missioned to Myanmar, was recently in Loikaw, the capital of Kayah state, where…
Loikaw – a timeless land
October 12, 2012
Fr C Amal SJ, an Indian Jesuit missioned to Myanmar, was recently in Loikaw, the capital of Kayah state, at…
Promoting the First Spiritual Exercises
October 12, 2012
The Christian Life Community in Australia has made giving and promoting the First Spiritual Exercises an apostolic work. For the…