The crossroad of Ignatian Spirituality and Buddhism
May 21, 2019
The new anthology “The Pilgrim and the Sage” edited by Fr Ari C Dy SJ features essays that explore the…
A call for a compassionate and humane Australian society
May 17, 2019
With the Federal Election in Australia on May 18, the Catholic Alliance for People Seeking Asylum (CAPSA), in which Jesuit…
Witnesses of love
May 15, 2019
The Indonesian Jesuit Province is blessed with eight new deacons. Six of them were ordained on May 8 in the…
Go forth and serve
May 13, 2019
“Go…into your high schools, colleges and universities, and advocate for the faith, speak of God, tell the young people about…
Learning to become schools of discernment
May 6, 2019
From April 26 to May 1, a diverse group of educators from Jesuit schools in Cambodia, Hong Kong, Japan, Macau…
Eccomi: 12 new deacons in Rome
May 4, 2019
Eccomi is a simple word in Italian that means “Here I am” and is often used for someone to indicate…
“I belong here”: Jesuits make final vows
May 3, 2019
Three Australian Jesuits made their Final Vows on April 24 at the Australian Jesuit Province Gathering at Saint Ignatius’ College,…
Seeking the world inside a library
April 25, 2019
A good school produces good students who learn and thrive in the right environment, not only in the classroom but…