Companions in a mission of justice and reconciliation


East Asian Pastoral Institute

11 January 2025
International Works

An anthology on Muslim-Christian dialogue

The Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific, in collaboration with the East Asian Pastoral Institute (EAPI), has published a collection of essays exploring Muslim-Christian relations, more

21 November 2023

Fostering a Church that listens

The Catholic community in Battambang, Cambodia is taking steps towards nurturing a more synodal Church, one that listens to all her members. A recent more

22 November 2021
International Works

Remembering Fr Thomas “Tom” O’Gorman SJ

Fr Thomas H O’Gorman SJ died at the age of 89 on 22 November at the Jesuit Health and Wellness Center in Manila. He more

23 June 2021

Going back to the roots: What is truly essential?

In the face of challenges and opportunities from Covid-19, pastoral workers would do well to resist the temptation of jumping too hastily into action more

16 February 2021
International Works

New Director for the East Asian Pastoral Institute

Korean Jesuit Fr John Che-chon Chong SJ has been appointed as the new Director of the East Asian Pastoral Institute (EAPI) starting January 2022. more

11 November 2020

Making God’s Kingdom present in our new world

It is definitely a volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) environment we live in today. The impact of the pandemic is scary, confusing, and unnerving, more

10 November 2020
Beyond JCAP

We stand with Stan

Many of us have been inspired by Fr Stan Swamy SJ through his talks and writings as the former director of the Bangalore Indian more

22 October 2020

The church in times of Covid: Discerning pastoral responses for a new world

The Covid-19 pandemic has plunged the world into a prolonged crisis with no apparent end in sight. Many faith communities are facing challenges in more

13 July 2020

God’s grace in lockdown

We were almost halfway through our programme at the East Asian Pastoral Institute (EAPI) when it was announced to us that the management had more

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