New priest remembers East Timor’s past

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Plínio Martins retraced steps in his own and East Timor’s history when he was ordained in Dili on St Ignatius Day, July 31.

Over a thousand people took part in the celebration of the ordination of Plínio Rosário Gusmão dos Reis Martins in the Immaculate Conception Cathedral, Dili . Bishop Alberto da Silva of Dili was the presiding Bishop, assisted by Bishop Greg O’Kelly (ASL). Plínio’s mother, accompanied by her brother, Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão, joined the procession.

News from Thailand

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Fr Saichon Khanyulai (TAI) is returning to Bangkok on August 24 from tertianship. While waiting for is next assignment, he will be residing at Xavier Hall. Fr John Shea (NYK) will be moving to his new assignment at Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan, on August 23. In his email to the Region, John wrote, “Thanks for all the support and companionship these last five years.

Full house at Arrupe Residence

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Arrupe International Residence opened the academic year 2010-2011 on a high note, as usual. Members, both old and new, trudged in one by one towards the end of May: there were the old members returning home, from summer pastoral exposure programs abroad, from home visits; there were new comers – novices from in East Timor and Myanmar joining the Juniorate program; a Junior from Sri Lanka region coming for studies in Philosophy; others for theological studies having completed regency; and new staff members. By the beginning of June, we were a full-house.

New novice director in Myanmar

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On June 21, Fr Irsan Rimawal (IDO) made his final vows at the Maria Della Strada Novitiate Chapel. He then took over Fr Wardi Saputra (IDO) as Novice Director for the Myanmar Mision.  Fr Wardi is now on sabbatical – two semesters of the New Directions program at the Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University, USA.

Fr Pri as Asst to the Tertian Instructor

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The next batch to join the Asia-Pacific Tertianship will meet the new Assistant to the Tertian Instructor, Fr Priyono Marwan (IDO). Fr Pri teaches psychology at Sanata Dharma University. In 2000-2002, he was the Socius to the President of the Conference, which was then held by Fr Ismael Zuloaga (CHN).