Seven scholastics benefited from EATEP

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The first edition of the EATEP was held last July 27 – August 30, 2006. There were seven Jesuit scholastics in the program who are all in theological studies with varying degrees of previous exposure to other religions: Danang Bramasti (IDO), Anthony Cao Thang (VIE), Peter Do Quang Dung (VIE), Hiroshi Katayanagi (JPN), Joseph Ngo Viet Tan (VIE), Bei Witono (IDO), and Taiju Yamanaka (JPN). The participants had positive comments about the program. The Vietnamese profited from the exposure to another (Thai) culture and to Theravada Buddhism (in contrast to Hinayan Buddhism in Vietnam).

Tertians on long retreat

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The Tertianship has been moving on smoothly since it began on September 10. The time has now come for the key-event of the whole program, the Long retreat, which is taking place during the month of November. As in the past years, the group will have the long retreat in our Novaliches Novitiate, at the same time as the novices and other seminarians. After the retreat, the Tertians will be probably full of zeal for mission and ready to move into some isolated towns and villages of Northern Luzon for the Christmas Ministries. A prayer please for a spirit-filled retreat!

The Chinese scholastics in Arrupe House

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Our two junior brothers Peter and John are adjusting well in their new community life at Arrupe. Besides their daily Junior program routine, they are also engaged in their language studies that will equip them for academic formation.  Our old timers, the philosophers and theologians, constantly give them help and support.

Aside from the daily examen, our philosopher brothers Francis, Aloysius, PJ, Andrew and the two Pauls are busy as usual with their philosophy papers, exams, researches, etc, without losing much of their hair.

Experiment and Retreat for Novices in Singapore

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Seven novices (5 East Timorese, 1 Singaporean, 1 Thai) will be going for their six-week Pastoral Experiment from November 7 to December 19.  They will be working as garbage collectors (for a Garbage Collection company) and as migrant workers doing landscaping work (i.e. planting grass, trees etc.) Some will live with the poor in a small one-room flat, while most will live with other migrant workers in their dire poverty-stricken living conditions.

August-September 2006 Arrupe News

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The Arrupe community’s monthly recollection on 25 August was graced by the presence of Dr. Onofre R. Pagsanghan, a teacher of the Ateneo de Manila High School since 1951. Mr. Pagsi, as he is popularly known to his friends and students, is one of the most revered pillars in Philippine education. Aside from teaching, he spends much of his time going around the country to give talks to teachers, principals and school superintendents.

First Ordination for the Chinese Province in Several Years

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Fr Louis Gendron, Provincial of the China Province, wrote on this touching celebration: “On August 26, our Chinese scholastic Lúcás Chan was ordained a priest by Cardinal Zen in the Hong Kong Cathedral, together with a diocesan seminarian. The church was packed. I was interiorly moved several times during the celebration (although it was almost all in Cantonese) and deeply grateful to the Lord for having a new priest in our midst.

Training and Meeting of EAO Treasurers

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From August 31 to September 02, the first ever EAO Training Program for new/possible Treasurers was conducted at St. Ignatius chapel, Chiang Mai, Thailand. Organized by Fr Noel Vasquez on behalf of the EAO Treasurers, and supported by the Major Superiors, the sessions were conducted by Fr Bob Grimm, No. 2 in the Curia’s Finance Office. There were 20 participants, including the present Treasurers. The training focused on the Jesuit and religious dimensions of the Treasurer’s responsibilities; it was not geared towards accounting or other practicalia.

July-August 2006 Arrupe News

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At the head of the events in Arrupe House Jesuit community during the month of July is Fr Pham Minh-Uoc’s (ASL) departure for the EAO Major Superior’s Meeting in Macau. After which, he proceeds to Hiroshima, Japan for the second part of his Tertianship. Fr Minh-Uoc will be away from July 10 to September 25, 2006. In his absence, Fr Peter Momose Fumiaki (JPN) acts as the acting Vice-Superior for the Faber House community.

September 2006 Updates from Faber House Community

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In his letter dated July 31, Fr Adolfo Nicolas, confirmed the change of residence of Fr Ludovico Ryu Hyomh-nyol (KOR) from Faber House to AIR and, as such, relieved of his duty as the Minister of Faber House community, which will be taken care by Br Dinh Ngoc Tihn (ASL), Minister of Arrupe House. Moreover, Fr Manny Flores (PHI), will reside in Faber House to accompany the community while at the same time retaining his office and work in AIR. On August 02, Fr Momose conducted the blessing of the Faber House.