New JRS Asia Pacific director

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Fr Bambang Sipayung SJ has been appointed Regional Director of Jesuit Refugee Service-Asia Pacific.  His three-year term begins on June 1, 2012.

Fr Sipayung replaces Fr Bernard Arputhasamy SJ who has served the region with dedication and competence for nearly seven years.

In his letter of appointment, Father General Adolfo Nicolás said that Fr Sipayung’s rich field experience will be “a great asset to JRS”. 

Fr Sipayung worked with JRS in Cambodia, in Timor Leste and the Moluccas, and was in Aceh at the time of the tsunami of 2004. 

Fr General elaborated: “Your experience of responding with your team to a natural disaster is of special value in a time when JRS and the Society are challenged to respond to the growing number of such calamities. Your formation in peace building and conflict resolution will help JRS work for lasting solutions in contributing to build peaceful communities. Most important, however, is your love and compassion for the poor that is the foundation of JRS’ mission to forcibly displaced people.”

Fr General stressed the common mission shared by the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific and JRS in reaching out to refugees and forcibly displaced people particularly those from Myanmar and migrants held in detention.  He encouraged Fr Sipayung to stress the importance of empowering refugees, assisting them to grow in community participation, self-reliance, and self-sufficiency.

He also urged Fr Sipayung “to reach out to refugees and displaced peoples in Australia, Papua New Guinea and the Philippines who seek safety and security but so often find that the doors of protection and hospitality have been shut closed on them.”

JRS celebrated its 30th anniversary on November 14, 2010, and JRS Asia Pacific recently published a book marking 30 years of service in Asia Pacific.  To read the book, click here.