Justice in Mining Network launches global mining survey

The Justice in Mining Network is conducting a survey of mining activity and related issues in communities where Jesuits have a presence either individually or through institutions. The survey, which is open to Jesuits and Jesuit institutions, seeks to identify the key concerns around mining and its related impacts in areas where there is a Jesuit presence.

The network works to protect human rights and the environment, and seeks to ensure that issues of equity and sustainability are addressed in the governance of natural resources.  It is coordinated by Jesuit Social Services Australia and is part of the Global Ignatian Advocacy Network of the Society of Jesus.

“It is clear that there is growing interest in this subject as the reality of climate change and the impact of our lifestyles on the environment and communities in mining areas becomes better understood,” said Julie Edwards, leader of Justice in Mining Network and CEO of Jesuit Social Services, in her message thanking the network’s supporters and colleagues during the past year.

“Statements by the Pope about the interconnectedness of all living things and the need for greater care of our environment have reinforced this interest and the importance of advocating in this field,” she continued.

The results of the survey will be shared with respondents and the broader Jesuit community, and will help the network identify the most pressing issues in regions where Jesuits work and formulate strategies for how and where it can assist and/or influence.

To participate in the survey, go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MM23PRX.

The survey closes on April 30.