University of San Francisco providing professional development to Xavier Jesuit School teachers and staff

On May 21, Dr Jane Bleasdale from the Department of Leadership Studies at the University of San Francisco (USF), Dr Michael Duffy of the McGrath Institute USF and graduate students Ria Fresnoza and Tricia Land, led a Personal Development Workshop on Ignatian Pedagogy Paradigm and Student Centred Learning to Xavier Jesuit School (XJS) teachers and staff in Cambodia.

Useful practical activities and group work sessions were provided to allow the teachers and staff to practise new concepts and pedagogies from the four presenters. Blooms Taxonomy was explained clearly as well as how to encourage our students toward higher order thinking skills in the classroom. XJS teachers were encouraged in their instruction and methodologies to focus on looking at “how students can learn better” in the classroom.

After the workshop, XJS teachers and staff were each presented with a Certificate of Completion from USF. XJS is grateful toward the USF for providing professional development to their teachers and staff and look forward to welcoming USF again for next year’s workshop. [Xavier Jesuit School Cambodia]