Ten Jesuits in Jakarta, Nabire, Yogyakarta, and Manila participated in the London Virtual Marathon on 3 October to help the Indonesian Province Development Office raise funds for Jesuits in formation. In the lead up to the marathon, four other Jesuits, Fathers Bambang Alfred Sipayung, Moerti Yoedho Koesoemo, Andang Listya Binawan, and Edi Mulyono, had walked or run the standardised distance of 42.195 kilometres.
On race day, Fathers Riyo Mursanto and Eka Heru Murcahyana in Manila started their run at 4pm local time, while Fr Harry Setianto, along with 10 students, did the same in Nabire. From Jakarta, Fathers Widyarsono, Dam Febrianto, and three scholastics from Myanmar, Stephen Tuntun, James Naw Kham, and Patrick Law Awng, also started running. Likewise in Yogyakarta, Fr Pieter Dolle and Scholastic Aditya joined the race.
It was gruelling but challenging. The runners, doubtful of whether they could finish the race, looked exhausted, but all crossed the finish line nonetheless. Students, scholastics, and other Jesuit priests were on hand to handle the logistics and serve as first aiders. Their support allowed the participants to complete the marathon.

James from Myanmar felt happy to have taken part in the event. He had given himself to support the Indonesian Jesuits who like him are still in studies. At first, he was worried if he could finish the full marathon, but his worries soon faded as he felt no physical problems while running. Instead he found himself much energised by the support of his fellow scholastics at Kolese Hermanum.
In the same way, Fr Harry was fully supported by his students and Jesuit brothers in Nabire, Papua. During the marathon, he was escorted by three volunteer teachers and a scholastic. His 10 students had not intended to join as they were posted to help in the logistics. However, they ended up participating with some of them running up to 10 kilometres barefoot and without the proper gear. They ran with joy, and were physically sound and excellent. Fr Harry said that completing the last 5 kilometres was the most demanding physically and mentally, but the support from his friends kept him going. “I am delighted that I could finish the marathon successfully,” he said.
The event, held in collaboration with the alumni of Kanisius College in Jakarta, successfully raised close to 2 billion rupiahs. “We feel so touched, and we are so grateful for all the generosity shown to us. All of you have helped the formation of young Jesuits in many ways,” said Indonesian Provincial Fr Benny Juliawan SJ.
It was the spark of the Ignatian spirit that had touched the hearts of thousands of Ignatius’ friends to give generously to the formation of young Jesuits. The Society of Jesus feels great joy that there are still many generous people who eagerly support the apostolic works of the Society, including the work of formation.
Contributed by the Indonesian Province Communication team