From 6 to 8 October, novices across the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific (JCAP) came together for an inaugural event to celebrate their companionship in the Society, and recall St Ignatius’ spiritual journey and what this means for them in their own novitiate formation.
Themed “Journeying with the Pilgrim: Celebrating our Companionship with St Ignatius”, the online gathering assembled 86 novices and 13 formators from seven novitiates: Maria Della Strada Novitiate – Myanmar; Manresa Novitiate – Australia; Sacred Heart Novitiate – Vietnam; Manresa Novitiate – Timor-Leste; St Stanislaus Kostka Novitiate – South Korea; St Stanislaus Kostka Novitiate – Indonesia; and Sacred Heart Novitiate – Philippines, which was the host.
On opening day, the novices heard from JCAP President Fr Antonio Moreno SJ and Regional Assistant for Asia Pacific Fr Jose Cecilio Magadia SJ. Citing Fr General Arturo Sosa’s 27 September letter on poverty, Fr Moreno explained that the experience of synodality is key to discerning and implementing the Universal Apostolic Preferences, and to follow Jesus, poor and humble, to enrich them in his self-giving poverty. While Fr Magadia added three points on probation, teamwork, and internationality.

The main speaker, Fr Ramon Bautista SJ, Tertian Master of the Philippine Province and Asia Pacific Tertianship Co-instructor, gave sessions on St Ignatius’ conversion and Ignatian discernment.
Fr Bautista raised several points on the “Whatness” and “Howness” of conversion, and key elements of Ignatius’ conversion experience in the Spiritual Exercises in terms of honest self-confrontation, exposure to certain truths and their interiorization, and humble self-emptying. Furthermore, he touched on the four dimensions of Christian conversion: intellectual, moral, affective, and religious.
His talk on discernment centred on the meaning and biblical roots of discernment, and the four kinds of discernment: Discernment of God’s Presence, Discernment of Interiority, Discernment of Meaning, and Discernment of God’s Will.
Throughout the assembly, the novices engaged in presentations, plenary meetings, and spiritual conversations. One novice from Timor-Leste shared that through the gathering they were able to celebrate friendship and companionship in the Lord, and encounter Christ in their fellow novices and brother Jesuits, and the activities and interactions made possible by technology.
The gathering capped with a thanksgiving Mass celebrated by JCAP Formation Delegate Fr Riyo Mursanto SJ, but not before Fr General Sosa made an appearance through a video message, in which he talked about friendship, freedom, and frontier.
The novices were also surprised by Fr Mark Ravizza SJ, Father General’s Counsellor for Formation, who shared his vocation story, and responded to their questions. He encouraged the novices to trust in the passion and joy that God is calling them to a life of intimacy with him, to give themselves generously, to be faithful to prayer, and to be vulnerable in friendships.
Contributed by Kevin Stephon Centeno nSJ of the Philippine Province, and Bertrand Leong nSJ of Malaysia-Singapore Region