St Stanislaw Novitiate celebrates 80 years

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On its 80th anniversary, Saint Stanislaw Novitiate, Indonesia, commonly referred to as Girisonta, offered a warm welcome to 11 new candidates and celebrated the first vows of 10 new scholastics.

The 11 candidates who entered on June 22, 2011 were chosen from 17 applicants in a selection process in early March. Ten came from various seminaries in Java, while another, who aspires to become a Jesuit brother, entered after having been accompanied by the Vocation Promotion team in Yogyakarta.

Journey as a Regent

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Timorese scholastic Ezequiel Ribeiro reflects on his regency in Timor Leste, as he embarks on theology, the next stage of his Jesuit formation.

I cannot imagine my two years of regency went so fast. I still remember vividly how full of confusion I was when I first arrived in Timor Leste. Many questions came into my mind, basically about the work I would carry out for the next two years.

Learning about apostolates through film

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INDONESIA − With a long history working in media in Indonesia, it is inevitable that Jesuit scholastics in Indonesia produce films as part of their formation.  The scholastics are attached to Studio Audio Visual Puskat (SAV Puskat), the Jesuit established and run audio visual training and production centre in Sinduharjo, on the outskirts of Yogyakarta, Indonesia.  

Rediscovering my Jesuit identity

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Jody Magtoto SJ was in Japan in May, helping in the relief effort for victims of the tsunami.  He reflects on how he rediscovered his Jesuit identity in the midst of the rubble.

I had been in Kamaishi for two days by then. Because I had taken some courses in Japanese, I could sort of understand what was going on. But I came to realize that because my words and thoughts were in English, I could not articulate what I wanted to say.  I decided then to keep my words to a minimum lest I offend or be misunderstood.